Global Mobility

Life at Deloitte

Global Mobility 

Overseas staff secondment opportunities

People first. That is true at Deloitte. It means opportunities, challenging and rewarding assignments, international experience, learning and development, and the flexibility to find your own career path.

Sopheap Kaul, Financial Advisory (FA) Senior at Deloitte Cambodia, shares more about her 3-month secondment to Singapore.

When you first found out that you were seconded to Singapore, how did you feel? 
I was elated when I first found out that I had been selected! It was a dream come true! I thought it was an excellent opportunity to experience living and working in a different country, to be given the chance to challenge myself and test my limits also shows the confidence that the firm and my colleagues has in me.

How would you describe your overall experience working at Deloitte Singapore, and what are some of your key takeaways? 
I came to realise that the working style in Deloitte Singapore was very different compared to Cambodia and that it was important to adapt and learn quickly and working alongside my Singapore teammates helped me familiarise myself with day-to-day work. I would say this whole experience has enhanced my technical knowledge and I feel that I am now able to guide the new associates and seniors when they join Deloitte Cambodia’s FA department.

How did you spend your leisure time in Singapore, and what did you enjoy most? 
I enjoyed hanging out at shopping centers along Orchard Road, as well as visiting China Town Complex every Saturday morning to buy fresh food. Besides those places, I have also been to Marina Bay Sands, Sentosa Island and Chomp Chomp Food Centre!

Any important differences or similarities between Singapore and Cambodia? 
Everything is very fast-paced. That is a key difference between Singapore and Cambodia – whether it is working, walking, eating, taking the elevator, train or taxi etc. – it all just seemed so quick! I think this might be one reason why Singapore is such a developed country within South East Asia. We have a different culture in Cambodia, so I needed to adjust to the pace.

Have you forged any meaningful friendships or relationships, and if so, can you describe them?
One unforgettable story from my secondment was when my mother came to visit me in Singapore. During her visit, she fell very sick and required urgent medical attention and was sent to the hospital by ambulance. I was really worried and was unsure of what to do, but fortunately, my supervisor from Deloitte Singapore offered a helping hand. My colleagues, Elsa and Grace, also stayed with me at the hospital throughout the night and assisted me with hospital procedures. From the bottom of my heart, I am really thankful and appreciate of these newfound friendships.

Is there anything you would like to say to your colleagues at the Singapore and Cambodia office?
I would like to say a big thank you to my Singapore colleagues for the warm welcome, open discussions, knowledge shared and also the surprise birthday celebration! And many thanks to my Indonesian roommate, Vania, for bringing me to various places and carrying heavy things for me! I hope some of my Cambodian colleagues will also get the opportunity to experience a similar fast-paced lifestyle working in Singapore. Apart from that, I would like to thank both of my director in Cambodia, Khoy Kimleng and Chhiv Kimsroy for shaping my career and professional life.

If you could, what from Singapore do you wish to bring back to Cambodia? 
The MRT if possible! Its constantly expanding routes makes it incredibly easy to get around the country. It is also quite fast and the fees are cheap, so commuters will be able to save both time and money traveling.

Follow our Cambodia Facebook page for more photos and stories of our people!

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