
정동섭 파트너

CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)

정동섭 파트너

서울시 영등포구 국제금융로 10

서울국제금융센터 One IFC 빌딩 4~12층



(우) 07326

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정동섭 파트너는 최고마케팅책임자로서 법인의 Brand, Communication, Marketing 및 Deloitte Insights를 총괄하는 업무를 담당하고 있습니다. Brand Positioning 및 Risk Management에 더해서 법인의 Marketing, Communication 전반의 전략을 수립하고 집행하는 Control Tower의 역할을 수행합니다. Deloitte Insights는 Deloitte의 경제, 산업관련 Knowledge를 생산해 내는 Institute입니다.

정동섭파트너는 재무자무본부에서 리테일그룹장을 역임하였고, 법인의 Consumer Industry 및 Retail, Wholesale & Distribution Sector의 Leader를 역임하였습니다.

Don is responsible for Deloitte Korea’s strategy and implementation for communication and marketing. He is also in charge of firm’s brand positioning as well as brand risk management. Deloitte Insights, thought leadership generator, is key resource for his endeavors in communication and marketing. BCMI(Brand, Communication, Marketing and Insights) are led by Don as one community. 

Before assuming CMO role, Don was an FA partner leading Retail Group. At corporate level, he led Consumer Industry as well as Retail , Wholesale and Distribution Sector. 

정동섭 파트너