
Internal Audit 4.0

Purpose driven, digitally powered

An unprecedented set of challenges has led to broadened demands on Internal Audit functions. In addition, the pace and scale of innovation in the profession pointed to the need for an update of our vision. Our updated IA 4.0 framework brings three new features to the forefront. By aligning Internal Audit’s outcomes with the organisation’s purpose, helping accelerate organisational change and learning, and further embracing digital, we believe Internal Audit can upgrade and maximise its impact and the value it delivers.

Risk, opportunity, and internal audit

A lot has happened since Deloitte released Internal Audit 3.0 (IA 3.0), our market leading framework for elevating the role and expanding the remit of Internal Audit. This framework supported the concept that Internal Audit is responsible for balancing three core activities: providing assurance, advising management, and anticipating risks and opportunities. IA 3.0 has been a useful and durable framework for many internal audit functions as they’ve evolved their role and remit, and inspired innovation in their ways of working.

Looking ahead, the breadth of demands on Internal Audit, and pace and scale of innovation in the profession point to the need for an update, but not an overhaul, of our vision of the Internal Audit function of the future. Our Internal Audit 4.0 (IA 4.0) publication:

  • Recaps the elements of Internal Audit 3.0
  • Summarises lessons learned as functions have adopted the framework; and
  • Presents a refreshed vision of the future of the Internal Audit function, IA 4.0, which incorporates those lessons and demonstrates why Internal Audit functions should be purpose driven and digitally powered.

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