


Deloitte’s immigration team are highly experienced, legal professionals, that will assist any employer in every step of their employee’s immigration process. We’ll do the work, so you don’t have to.

Our global Deloitte network, with approximately 286,000 people in 150 countries, ensures immediate information and assistance across borders.


Our immigration team assist both big and small clients in all business segments. Examples include global clients in the oil and gas industry, IT/ technology, pharmaceutical and biotech, beverage companies, to name a few..

We are a part of a multidisciplinary work place, where experts within tax, employment law, pension and social security work side by side. This way we can cover any employers need from a to z during the entire assignment process. No issue is too small or too complex.

Our team benefit from having a professional background from the Immigration authorities, as well as a clear understanding of our client’s needs and expectations. Combined, this makes us the top provider of immigration solutions in Norway. 


We help you to efficiently manage your need of a global work force and ensure that your business and employees always remain compliant with the immigration obligations in the host country.

We possess an in-depth knowledge of the regulatory framework governing residence permits and business visas. We have developed technology for tracking, reporting, saving and sharing documents. This ensures that the immigration process is streamlined and effectively handled, and secure that the interests of the business and the employees are well protected throughout the process.

Our team can provide assistance with all aspects of Norwegian immigration, including:

  • Business Traveller Advice
  • Permit application assistance
  • Global co-ordination
  • Project management
  • Governance of policy change
  • Compliance consultations
  • Permit tracking
  • Corporate and Private Client assistance
  • Reporting
  • Risk review analysis
  • Strategic advisory and reporting
  • Training Dependant / Spousal Permit

GoWork – COVID-19 Digital Map

The GoWork – COVID-19 Digital Map provides information in real-time, so companies can access the most up-to-date information. 

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Contact us

Gro Forsdal Helvik

Gro Forsdal Helvik

Partner | Advokat

Gro er partner og advokat i Deloitte Advokatfirma Oslo og er leder for arbeidsrettsavdelingen. Hennes spesialområder er internasjonal arbeidsrett og mobilitet, omstruktureringer og virksomhetsoverdrag... Mer

Erik Øxnevad Larsen

Erik Øxnevad Larsen

Partner | Advokat

Erik er partner og leder for Deloitte Advokatfirma AS i Stavanger. Han har lang erfaring som skatteadvokat og juridisk rådgiver for norske og utenlandske virksomheter.  Rådgivingen omfatter bl.a. rådg... Mer

Hanne Faust-Rolseth (i permisjon)

Hanne Faust-Rolseth (i permisjon)


Hanne er director på Global Employer Services i Deloitte Advokatfirma, og leder til daglig immigrasjonsavdelingen. Hanne har en mastergrad i juss, og har jobbet i Deloitte siden 2014. Hun rådgir klien... Mer