Deloitte Thought Leadership


Deloitte Thought Leadership

Uncover fresh perspectives on pressing business challenges, and embark on a journey of discovery that equips you with actionable insights to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

5 July 2024

The EU AI Act – Overview and Resources

The AI Act is an EU regulation that establishes a uniform legal framework for the development, market placement, service provision, and use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, in line with Union values. Designed to support innovation and the uptake of human-centric and trustworthy AI, the legislation aims to protect health, safety, fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law, and the environment from the potential harmful effects of AI systems. It also aims to improve the functioning of the European single market, offering legal certainty and regulatory sandboxes to promote further AI development, particularly by start-ups and SMEs. In this website section, you can find publications and materials that we have put together about this topic.

12 June 2024

2024 Deloitte Digital Media Trends study

According to the Deloitte Digital Media Trends 2024 study, average monthly household spending on video-on-demand streaming platforms has risen nearly 30% from last year, from $48 to $61, covering an average of four subscriptions. Costs vary significantly across generations, with Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X spending around $67, while Boomers and Matures spend the least.

30 May 2024

Deloitte Global 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

The Deloitte Global Gen Z and Millennial Survey 2024, including Romania, found that the cost of living is a major concern for young Romanians, but the percentage expressing this concern has slightly decreased compared to last year. Additionally, almost half of Generation Z Romanians and 33% of Millennials are optimistic about their future financial situation.

23 May 2024

Deloitte Re/Insurance CSRD benchmark study

Sustainability will lead to a significant change in the role of the Chief Financial Officer, which will likely involve managing more non-financial data than financial data in the coming years, as the EU directive on corporate sustainability reporting imposes new requirements for which CFOs are generally held responsible.

21 May 2024

Deloitte Women @ Work 2024 study

Half of the women who work are experiencing higher levels of stress compared to a year ago, and a similar proportion (49%, up from 2023) report that their employers do not support them in balancing professional responsibilities and personal life commitments, according to the Deloitte Women @ Work 2024 study, conducted globally.

20 May 2024

Deloitte Global financial crime prevention, detection and mitigation report

Although significant strides have been made internationally in recent years to reform standards and practices for preventing and combating money laundering, international bodies estimate that between 800 billion and 2 trillion dollars are laundered globally each year. The impact of financial crime is felt across all segments of society.

25 April 2024

Deloitte Real Estate Confidence Survey for Central Europe 2024

This report presents the views and sentiments of real-estate developers, investors and market advisers from across Central Europe on the prospects for the real estate market in the months ahead. The topics covered include the challenges they will face, investment and transaction activities, debt financing and tax climate.

25 March 2024

2024 Global Human Capital Trends

It’s time to trade in the rules, operating constructs, and proxies of the past. Prioritizing human performance can help organizations make the leap into a boundaryless future.

7 March 2024

CFO Survey Romania 2024

Romanian companies anticipate improvement of macroeconomic indicators - gross domestic product (GDP), inflation and unemployment -, but seem to still adopt a prudent approach as uncertainty remains high, according to the Deloitte 2024 Romania CFO Survey.

28 February 2024

Private Equity Confidence Survey Central Europe

The Private Equity Confidence Survey has been tracking the changing sentiments of the Central European investment community every six months since 2003. Deloitte Central Europe proudly presents the latest report which marks the 42nd edition of the programme.

24 February 2024

2024 Global Automotive Consumer Study

What consumer trends and disruptive technologies will have the most impact on the automotive industry in the coming year? Explore key findings from our 2024 Global Automotive Consumer Study, including the evolution of mobility, connectivity, car buying trends, and more.

14 February 2024

The Representative Actions Directive across Central Europe

On 25 June 2023, the deadline expired for the entering into force of the national legislation transposing the Directive (EU) 2020/1828 on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers.
In this publication, we look at the transposition status of the Directive across 10 Central European EU Members States. In addition, we provide insights into class actions regimes in selected non-EU Member States.

29 January 2024

Transitioning to eSignatures for employment documents in Central Europe

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in workcation opportunities, more and more people now find themselves working remotely. Companies have employees working in different cities and even in different countries, which for HR departments makes the task of coordinating the physical signing of employment documents cumbersome, if not entirely impractical.

26 January 2024

The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise - Now decides next

Gain insight and follow trends from the leading edge of generative AI adoption.

22 January 2024

2024 commercial real estate outlook: Finding terra firma

This year’s outlook aims to help leaders find solid ground that the industry can build upon to meet new foundational realities. Survey results suggest that cyber risks, climate-related regulatory actions and rising interest rates will impact the most real estate companies’ financial performance in 2024.

11 January 2024

Deloitte’s TMT Predictions 2024

The emergence of multiple trends that could help humans think better and faster, grapple with climate change, and convert billions of users to billions of dollars promise to make 2024 a standout year for TMT. Three clear themes highlight this year's report: generative AI, sustainability, and monetization. Predictions explores these themes in depth while covering critical issues affecting tech, media and telecommunications.

12 December 2023

Tech Trends 2024

Deloitte’s 15th annual Tech Trends report helps business and technology leaders separate signal from noise and embrace technology’s evolution as a tool to revolutionize business.

9 November 2023

2023 Automotive Supplier Study

By 2027, certain segments of the automotive industry are projected to experience a remarkable 245% growth! Discover which segments are expanding, which ones are stagnating, and which are in decline. Explore opportunities for your organization to gain unexpected benefits, such as improved price positioning and increased profitability. Dive into our latest study, the 2023 Automotive Supplier Study.

9 November 2023

In pursuit of the Self-Driving Supply Chain

Many organizations embraced Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Advanced Planning Systems (APS) systems for decades, but their limitations have become evident. Discover how industry leaders are now turning to Robotic Process Automation and Cognitive Automation of supply chain to enhance decision-making and automate repetitive tasks.

9 November 2023

The Future of the Automotive Value Chain: Global Supplier Risk Monitor 2023 

75% of CO2 emissions arise from three key cluster components in the automotive value chain!

Automotive industry is still in the middle of their largest transformation ever and Suppliers are struggling with various challenges. On the one hand, the growing share of vehicles with alternative drives increases the pressure to transform; on the other hand, they have to take sustainability aspects into account across the entire value chain.

6 November 2023

Deloitte 2023 Global Third-Party Risk Management

The results of this survey reiterate TPRM’s potential to power organisational performance. Firms with higher TPRM maturity are more agile in navigating the external environment.

26 October 2023

Deloitte 2023 Financial Services Industry Predictions

The Deloitte “2023 Financial Services Industry Predictions” report outlines emerging trends across the banking & capital markets, insurance, real estate, and investment management sectors, and highlights the impact of data and emerging technologies, products and services, and climate change on the future of financial services – and as a result, on society and the economy.

13 October 2023

2024 banking and capital markets outlook

Banks' strategic choices will be tested as they contend with multiple fundamental challenges to their business models. They must demonstrate conviction and agility to thrive.

27 September 2023

Cybersecurity threats and incidents differ by region

Key considerations

19 September 2023

Software defined vehicles

With rapid technological advancements, the automotive industry is experiencing a significant shift. In particular, the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has fueled the expectation among customers for a seamless digital experience.

23 August 2023

Deloitte Property Index 2023 

Romania ranks third in the top of the European countries with the cheapest housing, after Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece, with an average price of 1,417 EUR/sqm for a new dwelling, up from 1,266 EUR/sqm in 2021, according to Deloitte Property Index 2023, conducted in 27 countries based on data from their main cities and towns. At the opposite end, Austria is the most expensive European country, with 4,925 EUR/sqm in 2022, followed by Germany (4,800 EUR/sqm), France (4,639 EUR/sqm) and Norway (4,204 EUR/sqm). Most of the countries saw increases in average prices for new dwellings, while drops were noted only in the United Kingdom (-18.8%), Denmark (-9.7%) and France (-0.2%).

21 August 2023

Deloitte 2023 Back-to-school survey

Higher prices (75%) and reduced disposable income (51%) are the main reasons why parents plan to spend less on back-to-school products this year, and the spending per child is expected to decrease by 10% compared to 2022, according to Deloitte 2023 back-to-school survey. This behavior is explained as 31% of study participants face a worsen financial situation compared to last year.

14 August 2023

The ecosystem imperative: Embedded finance: customer relationships and value web dynamics 

The digital transformation of financial services organizations is extending into ecosystems, introducing new players and shifting traditional roles. The Institute of International Finance (IIF) and Deloitte have been working together, speaking with public and private institutions, to better understand how these new ecosystems are impacting the industry.

7 August 2023

Deloitte CE Private Equity Confidence Survey 2023 - summer edition

The confidence in the evolution of the economy is improving, after a 12-month decline following the Ukraine war, according to the latest Deloitte Central Europe Private Equity (PE) Confidence Survey. The share of respondents expecting an improvement in the economic climate went up to 15%, from only 3% in December 2022, and, at the same time, the proportion expecting a deterioration of conditions has nearly halved from 79% at the end of 2022, to 43%.

2 August 2023

Deloitte Global Gen Z and Millenial Survey 2023

The main causes for concern for Romanian Millennials and Zs are the rising cost of living (for 44% of Millennials and 33% of Gen Zs) and the evolution of the economy (for 27% of Millennials and 22% of Gen Zs), according to Deloitte Global Gen Z and Millennial Survey 2023, conducted in 44 countries, including Romania. In this context, young people in our country postpone or cancel plans in their personal life, such as purchasing a new home (63% of Millennials and 60% of Gen Zs) and starting a family (33% of Millennials and 48% of Gen Zs), as well as in their professional life, such as asking for a raise or a promotion (48% of Millennials and 47% of Gen Zs) or changing their job (47% of Millennials and 46% of Gen Zs).

2 August 2023

Deloitte Legal Handbook for Real Estate Transactions

The third edition of Deloitte Legal’s “Handbook for Real Estate Transactions” provides an overview of the legal framework for real estate transactions related to various asset classes in 29 countries.

31 July 2023

Deloitte survey on DORA 2023

The organizations operating in the financial services industry are beginning to register significant progress in terms of implementing changes meant to assure compliance with the new EU regulation Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), as a third of them (29%) started to prepare since 2022 and, out of these, 29% have already completed 75% of their implementation roadmap by Feb 2023, according to the latest edition of Deloitte survey on DORA.

17 July 2023

Generative AI: A guide for corporate legal departments

What does the future hold for Generative AI and legal services?
The potential of Generative AI in legal has captured the imagination of many, and with the emergence of large language models, the legal industry has almost certainly reached its long-awaited tipping point toward transformative change.

6 July 2023

Deloitte Digital Media Trends 2023

Experiențele online captează tot mai mult atenția consumatorilor, în special pe cea a generațiilor mai tinere, potrivit raportului Deloitte Digital Media Trends 2023. Jumătate dintre respondenții din Generația Z și Millennials cred că experiențele online le pot substitui semnificativ pe cele offline și afirmă că petrec mai mult timp interacționând cu alte persoane pe rețelele de socializare decât în lumea reală. În același timp, doar 20% dintre respondenții Generației X, Baby Boomers și Matures sunt de aceeași părere și au acest comportament.

28 June 2023

Deloitte report “Circular Economy. The perception and stage of implementation in Romania”

Eight out ten companies in Romania expect a high or very high impact of national and European circular economy regulations, on short and medium term, and 70% estimate that state subsidies are not sufficient, shows the Deloitte report “Circular Economy. The perception and stage of implementation in Romania”, conducted among companies on the local market, from the manufacturing, retail, consumer goods, construction and real estate industries. Moreover, the most extensive and costly measures that companies have in plan, such as technology upgrading (90%) or research-development activities (75%), are designed depending on the possibility of accessing national or EU funding, the study indicates.

22 June 2023

IT Asset Management (ITAM) - Global Survey 2022-23

Following the success of our 2021-22 IT Asset Management Survey, we launched the 2022-23 iteration of the IT Asset Management survey with renewed energy. This time, we will explore the link between ITAM and Cybersecurity, the multiple facets of the cloud as well as the ITAM impact on sustainability. We have made the Global 2022-23 ITAM survey report available for download on this page and hope you enjoy the read.