TCFD recommendations – implementation status and a roadmap for decision makers


TCFD recommendations – implementation status and a roadmap for decision makers

14 December 2020, 15:00 - 16:00 EET

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has just issued its 2020 status report. According to the report, support for the TCFD initiative increased since 2019, and today, more than 1,500 organizations appreciate the benefits of implementing recommendations, representing an increase of over 85% since the last edition - join our webinar to see why.

The 1,500 TCFD supporters include companies, financial institutions and governments, among others, with company supporters alone representing a combined market capitalization of 12.6 trillion dollars, and the supporting financial firms being responsible for assets of nearly 150 trillion dollars. Nearly 60 percent of the world’s 100 largest public companies support the TCFD, report in line with the TCFD recommendations, or both. Still, in order to forge a more resilient world economy, global market participants must accelerate the rate of progress on climate-related disclosure and transparency.

Our guest speaker during the webinar will be Eric Dugelay, Partner responsible for Sustainability Services in France, one of the TCFD experts engaged in preparing the status report.

During this webinar we will discuss:

  • What are the advantages and benefits of implementing TCFD recommendations
  • What are the best practices and lessons from expert users
  • What are the main challenges to TCFD implementation and how to overcome them

The Task Force also seeks feedback on its consultation on decision-useful, forward-looking metrics for the financial sector. Publication of the consultation document today begins a 90-day public consultation period, ending January 27, 2021.


14 December 2020
15:00-16:00 EET

Andra Popa


Marta Górecka

Marta Górecka

Senior Manager, Sustainability Consulting Central Europe

Marta w zespole Sustainability Consulting Central Europe Deloitte specjalizuje się w projektach związanych z weryfikacją sprawozdawczości pozafinansowej, projektach związanych z raportowaniem zrównowa... More


For more information regarding this event, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Andra Popa - Senior Marketing Coordinator

Mobile: +40 731 792 039
