Preturi de transfer


Preparing yourself for dawn raids

From theory to practice

What do you do when the investigators come knocking? Is your internal control system able to face such situation? Are your management and employees ready for a dawn raid? We will try to answer together these questions and many more.

Under the “Be prepared for the unexpected” motto, the seminar provides a structured approach, bringing into discussion key points of interest regarding:

  • Applicable legal framework and the rights and obligations during a dawn raid
  • Transposing the legal obligations into the organisation’s internal control system
  • Practical examples

The event will include interactive discussions during which our specialists in criminal law and forensic will present up to date and practical elements of dawn raids.


9:00 – 9:30 Participants registration
09:30 – 10:45 Introductory theoretical concepts 
  • Legal framework
  • Rights and obligations
  • Actors
  • Transposition of legal obligations into the internal control system
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Dawn raids in practice
  • Key principles to be followed
  • Stages of dawn raids
  • Actors
  • Can a company be really prepared for a dawn raid?
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break


*The official language of the event is Romanian.

Payment details

150  € – per participant

Snacks are included during the event. The participation fee does not include VAT.

The invoice for the participation fee will be issued and provided after the event.

In order to preserve the interactive nature, the seminar will have a limited number of participants. Please confirm your participation by registering here


Mădălina Țițirigă – Assistant Director , Forensic / Financial Advisory, Deloitte Romania

Mădălina is an Assistant Director within the Forensic department of Deloitte Romania Financial Advisory. Mădălina has an experience of 13 years in risk management, internal control and compliance. She held local and global roles in both industry and professional services. Her activity had an increased focus on risk assessments of fraud, bribery, corruption and money laundering risks, reviews of internal control programmes, procedural frameworks reviews, as well as implementation, assessment and monitoring of risk management and internal control management systems. 

Mădălina participates into relevant conferences in the field on a regular basis. She has delivered numerous training programmes and presentations on compliance, anti-fraud, anti-corruptiion, anti-money laundering and internal control in more than 40 countries across Europe, Americas, Africa and Asia.

Mădălina holds several European and international professional certifications and she is a member of the Institute of Risk Management from United Kingdom.




Laura Husarencu – Manager, Departamentul Servicii Fiscale – Prețuri de Transfer, Deloitte România



Cătălina Stroe - Managing Associate, Reff & Associates, member of Deloitte Legal in Romania

Catalina is Managing Associate in Reff & Associates. Previously she was part of the Forensic team of Deloitte Romania and she has a solid experience in offering consultancy to both banking and non-banking institutions and she is specialized in AML/CTF and fraud prevention as well as anticorruption.  As an AML/CTF expert, Catalina was member of Minister of Justice team that has driven the reform agenda on anti-money laundering and terrorism financing issues (amending national legislation, coordination of national institutions with responsibilities in the field, organized and ensured technical assistance for the peer-review missions) and she was a Moneyval evaluator.

As a lawyer, she provided business crime prevention strategies and offering tailor fit solutions (addressing clients’ criminal compliance risks and mitigate problems before a potential investigation) and she was involved in legal assistance and representation of various important national and multinational companies and private individuals in criminal investigations, as part of teams dealing with complex parallel proceedings with criminal, civil and fiscal/administrative elements.


Other informations

The event will be held on  November 8,  2017, at Hotel Intercontinental - Hora Room (4 Nicolae Balcescu Boulevard), Bucharest. For registration, please access this link.

Contact person:

Monica Repcaru


Mobil: +40 730 585 781

You can cancel your registration for this event, by sending an email to  not later than 5 days before the date of the event. We reserve the right to cancel the event if the minimum number of confirmations is not met. In this case you will be informed in due time.