Preturi de transfer


Transfer pricing

New developments and practical aspects

In the context of Romania's accession to the Implementation Forum of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD"), a series of acts were debated and adopted in the framework of the "Erosion and Profit Shifting" (BEEP), which aim at aligning local tax legislation with the latest developments at international level.


  • In June 2017 Romania has implemented the EU Directive 2016/881 regarding the automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation, which transposes the provisions of BEPS Action 13 with respect to the Country-by-Country reporting/The automatic exchange of information regarding country by country reporting.
  • In July 2017 OECD has issued the amended Transfer Pricing Guidelines which are applicable in the local legislation.

The objective of the seminar is to present the transfer pricing evolutions and its impact at the level of the Romanian taxpayers. At the same time, we plan to discuss with you upon practical aspects of transfer pricing tax inspections and last but not least, to identify the most appropriate approach, both reactive and proactive.

The seminar will tackle, among others, the following subjects: 

  • Aligning local requirements with BEPS;
  • Introduction of the CbC requirements in the local legislation and practical aspects for the Romanian companies;
  • Tax authorities approach during tax audits;
  • Alternatives to the transfer pricing file – directions and practical aspects regarding the Advance Pricing Agreement (APA).

The event will have an interactive character, and the Deloitte team proposes to discuss with the participants the problems and situations they are proposing. Where possible, please forward your questions in advance to


9:00 – 9:30 Participants registration

9:30 – 9:40 Introduction

9:40 – 10:45

  • International context on transfer pricing – alignment with BEPS requirements
  • Questions & Answers

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30 

  • Transfer pricing in Romania – local implications 
  • Country-by-country reporting requirements – practical aspects applicable to Romanian companies 
  • Questions & Answers

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break

13:30 – 14:45 

  • Practical aspects regarding transfer pricing audits
  • Questions & Answers

14.45 – 15.00 Coffee break

15:00 – 15.30

  • Alternatives to the transfer pricing file – Advance Pricing Agreements (APA)
  • Recap / Questions & Answers


*The official language of the event is Romanian.

Payment details

50 € – per participant

The invoice for the participation fee will be issued and provided after the event.

In order to preserve the interactive nature, the seminar will have a limited number of participants. Please confirm your participation by registering here.


Ciprian Gavriliu - Director Departamentul de Taxe,  Deloitte România



Mergeani Simona  – Manager Departamentul de Taxe,  Deloitte România



Alte informații

Evenimentul se va desfășura în data de 22 februarie 2018, la Hotel Ramada, (Strada Grigore Ureche 27) Iași. Pentru înregistrare, vă rugăm să accesați acest link.

Persoana de contact:

Anastasia Sacaliuc


Mobil: +40 725 004 075

Vă puteţi anula înscrierea la acest eveniment pentru orice motiv, trimiţând un e-mail la adresa: Termenul limită pentru anularea înregistrării este cu 5 zile înainte de data organizării evenimentului. Ne rezervăm dreptul de a anula evenimentul în cazul în care nu se va întruni numărul minim de confirmări. În acest caz veţi fi informaţi în timp util.