D.Tax – RO e-Transport


D.Tax - RO e-Transport

Take care of your business while rolling down the road

What is RO e-Transport System? Key highlights

RO e-transport system monitors the domestic road transport of goods with high fiscal risk as well as the international road transport of all types of goods.

The categories of national road transports in scope for RO e-transport reporting are:

  • the vehicles having a weight of minimum 2.5t
  • loaded with high fiscal risk products having either
  • the value of the goods more than RON 10,000 (app. EUR 2,000) or
  • the weight of goods more than 500kg.

Currently, the law does not provide conditions for international road transport of goods.

Each road transport of goods meeting the above definition and the conditions should be accompanied by UIT(s).

The UIT represents the unique identification transport number generated through RO e-Transport platform which identifies the goods and the parties involved in the transport.

The UIT code can be generated with maximum 3 days prior to date declared for the transport to begin and it is valid 5 calendar days, respectively 15 calendar days, starting from the date declared for the start of the transport.

What information should be declared?

For example, on order to generate the UIT, the following information should be reported:

  • Information regarding the expeditor/beneficiary
  • Description/quantity/value of the goods transported
  • Details regarding the loading/unloading place
  • Details regarding the means of transport used
  • Frontier passing point

Who should declare?

Mainly, the following categories of entities should declare the information:

  • importer / beneficiary of the goods in case of import /(deemed) intra-community acquisitions of goods
  • exporter / supplier of goods in case of export of goods and local/intra-community supplies of goods
  • warehouse-keeper in case of high fiscal risk goods in transit.  

Timelines and fines

Reporting in RO e-transport was introduced as of 1st of July 2022 for transport of high fiscal risks goods encompassing the following types of transports intra-community acquisitions/supplies, import/export, local supplies of such goods.

Fines have started to be applied as of 1st of January 2023 for incorrect/incomplete/late reporting or no reporting in RO e-transport and can go up to EUR 20k plus seizure of the value of the goods.

Starting with 15th of December 2023, in addition to the transactions in scope as of 1st of July 2022, the international road transport of all types of goods are included in the scope of RO e-transport (not only the high fiscal risk products).

There is a grace period until 30th of June 2024 when no fine applies are applies for incorrect/incomplete/late reporting or no reporting of international road transport of goods.

Starting with 1st of July 2024,fines for incorrect/incomplete/late reporting or no reporting in RO e-transport will be applies and can go up to EUR 20k plus seizure of the value of the goods..

How can Deloitte help you? D.Tax RO e-transport

Deloitte has designed RO e-transport, a module of D.Tax application. The module is a collaborative platform, where the authorised users of the parties involved - from your company and the ones from the transporter - may have access (some will have limited, while others full) to introduce the data needed to generate the UIT codes.

We took into account both the legislative requirements as well as the practical aspects and came up with an app suitable for all parties involved.

D.Tax RO e-transport goes beyond merely gathering data and ticking boxes. It is a collaborative platform crafted to streamline the critical facets of real time data reporting and integrates a network of alerts and triggers (such as Attention! Transport x arrives in Romania in y days and the UIT was not yet generated) which helps to avoid fines.

Hence, we equip your operational teams with meaningful insights, providing a sophisticated system that not only assists in properly filling in the data needed for RO e-transport purposes, but also enables an efficient communication with the transporter’s team.

This ensures that the effort of being compliant with RO e-transport is not just effective but also efficient, enabling vigilant monitoring tailored to the unique challenges of your business.

Curious on how D.Tax RO e-transport works?

Contact us for any additional information.

Unlock Efficiency. Ensure Compliance. Choose D.Tax RO e-Transport!


Ramona Țariuc

Ramona Țariuc

Indirect Tax Director

Ramona Țariuc has more than 13 years of experience in tax consultancy which was gained within Deloitte. She specialized on indirect taxes, specifically, VAT. She temporarily worked in the Brussels Del... More

Raluca Bâldea

Raluca Bâldea

Tax Partner

Raluca is a Tax Partner, specialized in Indirect tax. Currenlty she is the Retail & Consumer Products Industry Leader in Deloitte Romania. Raluca has been involved in assisting local and multinational... More

Alexandru Stancu

Alexandru Stancu

Senior Manager, Indirect Tax

Alexandru is Senior Manager within Indirect Tax department of Deloitte Romania. With more than 10 years of experience in the field of indirect taxation, Alexandru has focused on serving important clie... More