
The fundamental guide for how to provide excellent customer service in a cost-effective manner

Guiding customer-facing organizations in how to boost customer relations while cutting costs at the bottom line

How can customer-facing businesses provide excellent customer service while also showing a positive bottom line? Look no further! This Deloitte guide will help your business to navigate in what tactical changes to make in an increasingly demanding business landscape.

This guide will through a pedagogical and tested 5-step model provide useful insights of what actions that need to be taken and in what order to reach an excellent and cost-effective customer service. The guide also highlights client examples and lists what capabilities and tools we recommend to be tested and used during each step in order to obtain key benefits – both for customer experience and in potential cost savings for the business itself.

The latter part of this guide also provides some hints of how to actually get started – all to enable a business to kick-start their journey to operate a successful and cost effective customer service organization. 

Nathalie Ramsbjer
Senior Manager | Deloitte Digital 
+46 70 080 39 26 |

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