
Secrets to success: My Deloitte Intern Experience

D.cisions magazine – Issue 9

What is it like to intern at Deloitte? Our ex-intern Lew Quan Yi share with us his unique internship experiences and his top tips for success.

Lew Quan Yi

Interned at Deloitte from May to July 2017
Course/University: Accountancy & Business, Nanyang Technological University
Function: Risk Advisory

Q. Why are internships important?

Internships are a great way to find out more about the organisation that you will like to join in the future. It can be challenging but it gives you the exposure to what working in a company is all about. You will meet great superiors and colleagues who will guide and advise you on how to further develop yourself. Through internships, you will also discover more about yourself, your character and interest, which will definitely help you to make future career choices.

Q. How was your interview process like at Deloitte?

The interview process at Deloitte was pretty enjoyable. The interviewer asked me questions regarding my academic background, my past work experiences and my understanding of the department which I was applying to.

Q. Why did you choose Deloitte for your internship?

I heard from my seniors and peers that they had a fruitful and fun internship experience with Deloitte and I wanted to experience this culture and environment myself.

Q. What was an average internship day like?

I often started the day by checking my emails for updates on my engagements. Following that, I caught up quickly with my seniors to gather any updates on my current engagements. On some days, I went straight to the client's place. The day would end off by updating my seniors on the progress of my work. 

Q. What did I like the most about the internship?

I like the friendly and open culture of Deloitte. The seniors and managers are approachable and patient in guiding us in our work. Their valuable suggestions and opinions helped us improve our work. There are also numerous opportunities to work with other interns during engagements or in projects, and many friendships are forged at the end of the day!

Q. What are your top 3 tips to have a successful internship?

  1. Don't be afraid to ask questions when you have any doubts! Questions are opportunities for you to learn more things!
  2. Take the initiative to sign up and actively participate in events to make your internship more fun and vibrant!
  3. Take ownership and pride in all the work that you do! 

In issue 9, discover the journey of Deloitte Audit Partner Haridas Kanagasabai – the first SMU Accountancy graduate to make partnership in the Big Four. Learn the secrets to success shared by our ex-interns on their unique internship experiences. In addition, Deloitte continues to make an impact with its largest ever charity event, as well as a series of CSR activities in August 2017.

Find out how you can make an impact with us. Download issue 9 now!

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