Life at Deloitte

Start fast! How to get ahead in your career

Decisions Magazine Issue 10

Discover ways to advance your career after graduation!


1. Go the extra mile

Offer your assistance and provide support to your colleagues in their times of need. This will show others that you are someone who is helpful and reliable which will build trust and improve relationships at the work place. By going beyond the extra mile, the people around you will develop a greater confidence in you and entrust you to handle bigger job responsibilities in future.


2. Be up for challenges

Tackle any steep learning curves head on and don’t back away from it. Having a positive work attitude will impress your superiors and show them that you are ready to take on new challenges and can be assigned bigger projects and responsibilities.


3. Be a team player

Build your communication and interpersonal skills as these are important aspects of being a good team player. Having open and clear communication with team mates will help prevent unnecessary misunderstandings at work, and allows projects to be completed more quickly and effectively.


4. Know your employer

Take time to understand your organisation’s mission, goals, strategies, culture and the products/services that they offer. Knowledge is power and it will enable you to develop a stronger understanding of your role, as well as manage your work and expectations better.


5. Take constructive feedback gracefully

Learn from your mistakes and listen to your superior’s advice and feedback so that you can perform better and excel in your job.

In issue 10, discover how Deloitte Audit Assistant Manager Yvonne Pow makes a positive difference to society as she juggles her time between working and volunteering. Are you keen to join the jet set?  Grab some tips on how to get picked for a mobility assignment in this issue!  Find out how you can be an intern superstar as our ex-intern, Eugene Tay shares his secrets to success on his unique audit internship experience. In addition, we also look back at the key highlights of 2017 as we celebrated our Golden Jubilee with a bang!

Find out how you can make an impact with us. Download issue 10 now!

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