A world remade

The world we know has changed. CFO Vision 2022 is set to provoke CFOs to think and act beyond their traditional roles as expectations of them continually evolve.

Join us as we explore risks and opportunities in this remade world, its enablers and trends that may catalyse or impede the success of organisations and discuss how leaders can thrive in a world remade.

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8.15am – 9.00am | Breakfast & registration

9.00am – 9.05am | Opening remarks: A world remade
• Cheung Pui Yuen - CEO, Deloitte Singapore

9.05am – 9.20am | Southeast Asia's challenges and opportunities in a remade world
• Indranee Rajah - Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Finance and National Development, Singapore

9.20am - 10.00am | Global outlook, Asia's impact and Southeast Asia's lens
• Manu Bhaskaran - CEO, Centennial Asia Advisors Pte Ltd
• Xu Sitao - Chief Economist, Partner, Deloitte China

10.00am - 10.30am | Smart cities 2.0: The future of how we work, live and play
• Ayesha Khanna - Co-Founder and CEO, Addo
10.30am - 11.10am | Transformational CFOs in a remade world
• Agnes Lim – CFO, Asia Pacific, NTT Ltd.
• Rachael Sledge – APAC CFO, UBS
• Timothy Ho - SEA CFO Program Leader, Deloitte Southeast Asia

11.10am - 11.40am | Break

11.40am - 12.30pm | Sustainability opportunities and costs in Southeast Asia
• Chiew Chun Wee – Regional Head of Policy, ASEAN ANZ, ACCA
• Genevieve Soh – Head of Platforms and Ecosystems, Climate Impact X
• Moderated by Brian Ho - Climate & Sustainability Assurance Leader, Deloitte Southeast Asia
12.30pm - 1.45pm | Networking Lunch

1.45pm - 2.15pm | Leadership
• Craig Corte – Global Head, Digital Platforms & Innovation, Standard Chartered Bank
• Pushp Gupta – Executive Director, Consulting, Deloitte Southeast Asia

2.15pm - 2.45pm | Data and privacy in a digital world
• Wong Pei Yuen - CTO, ASEAN, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, IBM Security
• Edna Yap - Executive Director, Cyber Risk Services, Deloitte Singapore

2.45pm - 3.25pm | Does the move to cloud always lead to cost savings?
• Chris Hennesey - Enterprise Finance Strategist, AWS
• Lyonel Cha – Director, Consulting, Deloitte Southeast Asia
3.50pm - 4.50pm | Future of payments: How the world has been remade
• Jean Fernandes - CFO, GXS Bank
• Prateek Sanghi – SVP, Head of Consulting and Analytics, Asia Pacific, Visa
• Suken Bhandari – APAC Payments Controller, Google
• Moderated by Wong Nai Seng - FSI Regulatory Strategy Leader, Deloitte Southeast Asia

4.50pm - 5.00pm | Closing address
• Steve Gallucci - Global & US National Managing Partner, CFO Program, Deloitte & Touche LLP

5.00pm - 7.00pm | Cocktail reception

Speakers' profiles

Indranee Thurai Rajah

Second Minister for Finance, Singapore

Agnes Lim

NTT Ltd.

Ayesha Khanna


Chiew Chun Wee


Chris Hennesey


Craig Corte

Standard Chartered Bank

Genevieve Soh

Climate Impact X

Jean Fernandes

GXS Bank

Manu Bhaskaran

Centennial Asia Advisors Pte Ltd

Prateek Sanghi


Rachael Sledge


Suken Bhandari


Wong Pei Yuen

IBM Security, ASEAN, Australia, New Zealand, Korea

Brian Ho

Deloitte Southeast Asia

Cheung Pui Yuen

Deloitte Singapore

Edna Yap

Deloitte Southeast Asia

Lyonel Cha

Deloitte Southeast Asia

Pushp Gupta

Deloitte Southeast Asia

Steve Gallucci

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Timothy Ho

Deloitte Southeast Asia

Wong Nai Seng

Deloitte Southeast Asia

Xu Sitao

Deloitte China

Contact us

For enquiries about SEA CFO Vision 2022, please email cfoprogramsea@deloitte.com