

27 May 2024

Generative AI in Asia Pacific: Young employees lead as employers play catch-up

在シンガポール日系企業各位 (English Follows)


アジアパシフィック地域を対象に生成AIのサーベイを実施しましたのでその結果をご案内させていただきます。13の国にまたがる11,900を超える回答から見えてきた生成AIの最新の適用状況についてまとめたサーベイとなっています。生成AIの適用には若い世代(Generation AI)の果たす役割が大きく、経営者にとっては、新たなチャレンジや機会に向き合い対応していくことを示唆しています。


以下リンクよりレポートにアクセスください(Access to report from below link)
Generation AI in Asia Pacific | Deloitte Insights


  1. 18歳から24歳の若い世代の従業員(Generation AI)は他と比べて2倍近く生成AIを利用している。
  2. 中国、インド、東南アジアなどの経済圏では、日本、台湾、シンガポール、韓国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドと比較し、30%以上も多く生成AIが利用されている。
  3. 生成AIは毎年業務時間の17%に影響を及ぼすとされているが、実際はこれ以上の影響が出る可能性が高い。
  4. 生成AIを利用しているユーザーは業務の効率性を実感している。平均して毎週6.3時間の効率化効果が出ており、他の業務や新たなスキル習得に時間を使うことが可能になっている。
  5. 生成AIの利用はよりサステナブルな業務の構築や仕事のやりがい向上にもつながっている。67%の生成AIユーザーは仕事の満足度が向上したと感じている。
  6. 25%の従業員のみ自社は生成AIのEarly adopterかInnovatorであると考えており、これは残り3/4に大きな業務改善余地があることを示唆している。


  • 東南アジアに関して言えば、生成AIを利用したことがあると回答した比率は全体の2位に位置しており、90%の学生、72%の従業員が利用したことがあると回答している。
  • 東南アジアの回答者は、平均して65%の業務は5年以内に自動化等されるであろうと考えている。
  • 東南アジアの回答者の77%は生成AIが社会に貢献し、69%は生成AIはアジアパシフィック地域の世界経済における役割の拡大を意味すると回答している。



樋野 智也 (Tomoya Hino)
Japanese Services Group, Principal

塩谷 拓也(Takuya Shiotani)
Consulting, Executive Director

戸塚 瑛史(Akifumi Tozuka)
Japanese Services Group, Senior Manager

Dear Japanese companies in Singapore

We are pleased to announce the launch of our latest report, Generative AI in Asia Pacific: Young employees lead as employers play catch-up.

The adoption of generative AI (gen AI) is being driven by everyday users who are experimenting at the forefront and leading this revolution. These are young employees and students whom we’ve dubbed “Generation AI”.

This latest analysis of more than 11,900 surveyed individuals across 13 Asia Pacific economies highlights the role of younger employees in driving gen AI adoption, presenting new challenges and opportunities for employers as they adapt to these changes.

Key highlights

The study identified six key insights highlighting the transformative impact of gen AI on Asia Pacific, underscoring the need for businesses to adapt to this rapidly evolving technology:


Students and employees are leading the gen AI revolution across Asia Pacific

Generation AI employees aged 18 to 24 years old are nearly twice as likely to be using gen AI compared to those in mid-career; however, half of employees using gen AI for work purposes do not believe management knows they’re using it.


Developing economies are leading the charge with gen AI adoption

Developing economies (China, India, and Southeast Asia) have a 30% higher share of gen AI users compared to developed economies (Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand). This suggests there could be significant disruption in the traditional technology hierarchy across Asia Pacific.


Almost 1.1 billion work hours across Asia Pacific are expected to be impacted by gen AI

Gen AI could impact 17% of working hours – almost 1.1 billion hours – across Asia Pacific each year, but even this analysis may underestimate the true impact of AI as new uses of AI are certain to emerge.


Using gen AI saves each user almost a day per week and frees up time to learn new skills

Those who use gen AI are experiencing improvements in their work and study performance: daily users of gen AI save approximately 6.3 hours per week. This time saved allows employees to complete other tasks or build new skills.


Gen AI increases the level of satisfaction at work and study

Time savings associated with gen AI can also help create more sustainable workloads and make work more enjoyable: 67% of gen AI users believe it’s improved the satisfaction they feel.


Three-quarters of businesses are falling behind on gen AI adoption

Only 25% of employees consider their business to be early adopters or innovators of gen AI, suggesting substantial room for improvement for three-quarters of businesses across Asia Pacific.


Southeast Asia highlights

  • Southeast Asia ranks 2nd out of 9 locations for gen AI use: 90% of students and 72% of employees have used gen AI.
  • On average, Southeast Asian employees believe 65% of their tasks will be automated or augmented within the next five years.
  • 77% of Southeast Asians think that gen AI will enhance social outcomes, and 69% believe gen AI will mean Asia Pacific has a greater role in the global economy.
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