Singapore—Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS) has been saved
Singapore—Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS)
Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will launch COMPASS, a new points-based system to evaluate Employment Pass (EP) applications. COMPASS will apply to (1) new EP applications from 1 September, and (2) renewal EP applications from 1 September 2024. The objective of the framework is to enable employers to choose high-quality foreign professionals while fostering workforce diversity and strengthening the local core.
EP applicants will need a minimum of 40 points to be considered eligible. The evaluation process consists of four foundational criteria: Salary, Qualifications, Diversity, and Support of Local Employment, and two bonus criteria: Skills Bonus (Shortage Occupation List) and Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus.

C1. Salary attribute has a two-stage evaluation process. The applicant must meet the minimum qualifying fixed monthly salary requirement, which increases with age.
Additionally, the applicant will earn 10 or 20 points for meeting the salary benchmarks of professionals, managers, executives, and technicians (PMETs) in the local workforce for the firm's classified sector. The MOM has set benchmark salaries for various sectors, with Fund Management Services having the highest salaries for local PMETs compared with other sectors.
C2. Qualifications criterion awards 20 points for top-tier qualifications and 10 points for degree-equivalent qualifications. Candidates without educational qualifications from degree-equivalent institution will not receive any points for this criterion but may still pass the COMPASS evaluation by earning points in other criteria.
Starting 1 September 2023, all educational qualifications need to be verified by a third-party screening company accredited by the ministry. Companies should explore options to integrate the verification requirements into their EP application process to streamline and reduce the overall processing time.
C3. Diversity requirement assesses the nationality of EP candidates relative to the PMET workforce of the applying firm. Companies must review their workforce profile and strategise their upcoming foreign hires to earn points in this criterion.
C4. Support for Local Employment attribute recognises companies that engage in initiatives aimed at creating job opportunities for the local workforce. Companies with a higher share of locals among PMET employees compared to other firms in the same sector score more points under this criterion.
C5. Skills Bonus (Shortage Occupation List) awards 20 points to applicants possessing highly specialised skills in shortage in the local workforce. Candidates applying for certain technology-related occupations listed on the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) may be eligible for a longer, five-year duration EP.
In the latest SOL released by the MOM in March 2023, financial/investment adviser is the only occupation in the list under financial sector. The MOM will shortly provide more guidelines and provide related job titles for selection when submitting EP applications.
Companies within the financial sector may take advantage of the opportunity to consider using the occupations listed under the SOL when submitting their EP applications to gain points.
C6. Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus awards firms 10 points for participating in eligible programs aligned with Singapore’s strategic economic priorities. These include ambitious investment, innovation, and internationalisation activities in partnership with agencies, or firms endorsed by NTUC for workforce transformation.
The aim of COMPASS is to enable a clearer and transparent process in respect of EP applications and attract top foreign talent to commensurate and strengthen the local workforce. Early preparation, planning, and thorough examination of the recruitment process is essential for companies to be fully prepared for the implementation of COMPASS.
For further information, please contact Sandip Bhandal and Jaan Feng Woo.