
Apollo 13 Enterprise Risk and Crisis Management Simulation Program

In this intensive simulation game, participants  will work together to take decisions during the unexpected crisis and risks

Digitization has dramatically altered and complicated the existing industry value chain. Businesses need to create a seamless brand experience, projecting their brand clearly across the many touch points, channels, and devices their customers use. Business have more opportunity, but also more risk to succeed in this new world, they need to tear down the traditional model of creative, technology, and business services-in-silo. IT needs to play a more aggressive and interactive role to help business innovation. Such a digital strategy is an important step toward becoming an intuitive enterprise.


Apollo 13 was a simulation game developed by the Netherlands, adopted by the Deloitte for  a innovation way to learning crisis management. Through simulation the incident happened in the famous mission of NASA - Apollo 13, the participants in the mission control center (Mission Control) will play in different roles, to simulate the incident response planning and crisis management.

"Houston, we've got a proble."

Two days after its launch on 11 April 1970, the Apollo 13 spacecraft was crippled by an explosion. Facing imminent death and insurmountable technical challenges, the crew returned to Earth four days later. Apollo 13 was a success in its own right. NASA called the Apollo 13 mission a “Successful Failure”, in that the astronauts were successfully brought home despite not landing on the Moon. Leadership in time of crisis, Crisis Management, Teamwork, Commitment to each other and Innovation were the bedrock of the Successful Failure.

Participants will role-play as controllers at mission control centre back on Earth and will be challenged to react and adapt to this unexpected turn of events. Participants must then work together to achieve the ultimate goal of bringing the astronauts back to Earth alive.

The outcomes arising from the Apollo 13 simulation include:

  • Encourages participants to apply their experience and knowledge
  • Shows the effects of behavior – individually and as a team
  • Allows participants to act  in different roles
  • Shows the effects of critical decisions made during the simulation
  • Applies the simulation scenarios to actual business scenarios
  • Creates a fun way of experiential learning

Apollo 13 Simulation Game Approach

Participants in this intensive simulation game will work together as a team, take decisions, agree and apply their working practices aimed at ensuring that business risks are mitigated, business continuity is achieved and key performance targets are met.

The team will uncover points of learning and share through their experiences especially from their perspective.  Team leads will be tasked with collating the key points noted and participating in the dissection and review of the round and its objectives.

The Game Leader will also be giving input as to the events that have occurred in the given round. He will emphasize on key points observed in the areas of crisis management, in relation to the teams response in each round.


Chia-han Wu

Chia-han Wu

Consulting Business Leader

Mr. Chia-han Wu has Information Security Experiences for 14 Years. Expert in practical application and RD in computer network, information security, computer crime area, e-commerce, network security, ... More