Service Operations Offerings


Service Operations Offerings

Enterprise Health System Solutions (EHS)

Enterprise Health Systems Solutions (EHS) works with administrators, clinicians and operational leaders as they migrate to integrated clinical and patient financial information systems that capably support high-quality patient care, administrative cost-effectiveness, and compliance with EHR meaningful use mandates.

Clinical & Operational Excellence

Health care providers around the globe are challenged to meet patient needs while remaining viable in a business sense. 

Deloitte’s Health Care Provider Performance Improvement practice works with providers to enhance their profitability, productivity, business capabilities, and performance. We focus on business model configuration, process engineering, and organizational design to help you generate measurable and reportable returns on investments.

Banking Operations

In the wake of the global financial crisis, banks and securities organizations are challenged to balance risks, costs, and growth.

Deloitte’s Banking Operations practice helps banking and securities organizations enhance performance and market position by streamlining and improving operations, including complex product processing, regulatory change and operating risk management, and infrastructure rationalization.

Government Operations

Governments are increasingly expected to operate and provide services on par with private sector businesses.

Deloitte’s Government Operations practice helps government organizations improve profitability, productivity, business capabilities, and operations of both customer-facing and administrative duties, often in support of larger technology efforts.

Insurance Operations

Insurance carriers are challenged to negotiate a shifting landscape characterized by increasing customer demands, economic and regulatory uncertainty, and rapid public adoption of new technologies and channels. Deloitte’s Insurance Operations practice works with insurance executives to transform disjointed operations into an integrated sales and service delivery system that can support an insurer’s ability to identify, write, and retain profitable customer relationships.


  • Program Leadership — services to lead and implement a portfolio of programs and projects to translate strategy into tangible delivery of value for an insurance organization
  • Operating Model Transformation — services to design and implement new front office, back office or enterprise operating models for insurance organizations. Includes cost reduction, operational excellence and enterprise performance management
  • Digital & Advanced Analytics — supporting clients in realising the full insight potential of their corporate and customer data through the use of advanced analytical techniques 
  • Regulatory compliance — services to deliver secure compliance with insurance sector regulations, e.g. solvency II and to exploit efficient compliance as a source of competitive advantage
  • Insurance Technology — services to support all aspects of strategic insurance technology, for example from core insurance system evaluation and selection through to data centre consolidation and retained IT organisation design
  • Global Finance Transformation — services to advise and execute on the maximization of the effectiveness of the Finance organisation across the four faces of the CFO — Operator, Steward, Catalyst and Strategist
  • M&A Services — support the whole Financial Advisory process from M&A Advisory to Due Diligence, to Carve-Out and Post Merger Integration services


  • General Insurance: Covers all types of insurance that do not fall under life insurance. Examples include property and casualty, marine, motor etc.
  • Reinsurance: Insurance companies transfer all or portions of their risk portfolio to another entity. Types of reinsurance include Facultative, Treaty, Prop/non Prop.
  • Life Assurance: Payment of a specified sum to a named beneficiary on the death of the policyholder. Policies can be personal or part of corporate schemes and can also include critical illness cover
  • Health Insurance: Personal/Corporate schemes that pays for or shares the medical expenses incurred by the policy holder, depending on the agreed conditions under the policy/scheme.

Retail Operations

Because consumers have many options available — choices in retailers, products, channels, fulfillment, prices — merchants face a stream of moving parts to drive customer loyalty and financial results across their product assortment Deloitte’s Retail Operations practice encompasses both retail merchandising and retail operations, working with retail executives to:

  • Assess and drive merchandising and planning performance across people, process, and technology, including building capabilities that will drive optimized assortments and inventory
  • Develop, validate, and implement operational excellence strategies across stores and channels, and help retailers map the customer experience from initial contact through post-purchase service


  • Store and customer experience optimization — services to improve store experience and profitability by optimizing the physical space, the store talent and the store processes & systems.
  • Product flow and supply chain optimization — services to develop, refine, and implement the right supply chain strategies and solutions to support business objectives and enable desired consumer experiences.
  • Finance transformation — services to advise and execute on the maximization of the effectiveness of the Finance organization. 
  • Enterprise cost management — services to improve the cost structure and reduce operational complexity to improve profit and free up resources for reinvestment in new digital capabilities.
  • Product development, sourcing and supplier management — services to reduce COGS, improve speed to market, and enhance quality across the merchandise assortment, including operating model transformation, product development, product sourcing, merchandise value chain optimization, and sourcing footprint optimization.
  • Merchandise, assortment, and inventory optimization -improving the depth, breadth, and mix of customer choices and aligning inventory positons optimally within the retail sales and fulfillment channels.
  • Pricing and profitability management — services to address the spectrum of commercial pricing strategies, processes and capabilities, aligning them with the organization's business, marketing, customer segmentation and channel strategies.


  • Customers, Channels & Markets:
  • Growth Strategies
  • Global Retail Expansion
  • M&A
  • Direct to Consumer/eCommerce
  • Store Operations
  • Marketing Operations
  • Mobile Commerce

Merchandising, Planning & Supply Chain:

  • Merchandise, Assortment & Inventory Optimization
  • Lifecycle Price Optimization
  • Supply Chain & Product Flow
  • Private Label & Direct Material Sourcing 
  • Merchandising Systems

Finevare solution

Deloitte team has developed Finevare, a packaged software platform that enables smooth and successful switch to IFRS 9 based on our hands-on experience and profound expertise in IFRS-related issues.

Our team provides the following assistance in Finevare implementation throughout its life cycle:

  • Advising on classification, estimation, impairment and accounting of financial instruments
  • IFRS 9 trainings
  • Risk parameter modelling
  • Assessment of the impact of switching to IFRS 9
  • Improvement of data quality for IFRS
  • Computer-aided calculations under IFRS 9 using appropriate Finevare modules:
    • effective interest rate (EIR);
    • impairment of financial instruments under IFRS 9 (IMP);
    • accounting (ACC);
    • early warning systems (EWS).
  • Computer-aided generation of notes under IFRS 7
  • Technical and methodological support after Finevare implementation and switch to IFRS 9


Igor Chernenko

Igor Chernenko

Director, Risk Advisory

Igor is a Director of Risk Advisory Department. He joined Deloitte in 2005 after returning to Ukraine from Germany where he had worked for top 10 German bank and Big Four firms. He specializes in IFRS... More