
Risk Sensing

The (evolving) state of the art

Risk Sensing — using human insights and advanced analytics capabilities to identify, analyze, and monitor emerging risks — has become a key component of many organizations’ arsenals for managing risk. In fact, 81% of respondents to a recent survey say their companies leverage risk sensing tools, but do those capabilities go far enough to mitigate risks?

Deloitte’s new publication, Risk Sensing: The (evolving) state of the art, provides senior executives with an overview of the purpose and scope of robust risk sensing capability and an approach for developing and enhancing their organization’s efforts.

Explore the publication to understand:

• Characteristics—from an overarching strategic focus to the right technical and human resources—that compose a robust risk sensing capability
• Risks that are of most concern today and in the near- and long-term
• How to frame and implement a true risk scanning, sensing, and tracking program

Download the publication

Key findings infographic

About the survey

To assess the state of risk sensing in large organizations, Forbes Insights, on behalf of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, conducted a survey of 155 executives from companies representing every major industry and geographic region. The survey, held in May/June 2015, targeted companies with revenue of at least US$1 billion.


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