Consulting on income tax and compliance with legislation
Deloitte helps private companies and their owners to assess potential tax implications of transactions with private capital and assets, taking into account fiscal, commercial and personal goals.
Tax planning for high net worth individuals and their families
High net worth individuals and families are often faced with a challenge of protecting and increasing their wealth.
Income tax planning for artists and athletes
Deloitte Ukraine's experts can provide professional tax and legal advisory services to artists and athletes so that they can focus entirely on cultural and sports activities rather than tax issues.
Consulting services on international taxation of income and property, and estate planning
Deloitte specialists work closely with clients to address issues related to tax residence and place of residence, as well as to assess tax aspects of international investment opportunities.
Taxation of works of art and activities related to art
Despite a broad understanding of the definition of art, the tax issues are highly relevant and apply to everyone involved in the art world: from the collectors of artworks and artists to financially interested parties.
Family office services
Deloitte can help you with setting up and running a family office, providing advice and feedback, planning of charitable activities and private funds, structuring of investments.
Advisory services to family businesses
Deloitte provides advisory support to family business owners that helps them to make business and investment decisions as well as to address matters related to property and family relations.