Digital landscape transformation
Technology Transformation
Deloitte was engaged by John Lewis in 2019 as transformation Partner for its multi-year journey to grow its digital business. To realise this ambition, John Lewis would require technology foundations which would enable them to move quickly in the face of a rapidly evolving market, whilst in parallel delivering digital experiences that would grow their customer base and build loyalty.
Within months, as the global pandemic played out – resulting in the almost immediate closure of retail spaces and leaving the digital storefront as its only interface with its customers – everything changed.
Dame Sharon White, Chair of the John Lewis Partnership, later told Sky News it had been “an economic earthquake” as she described the process of dealing with “a decade-worth of changing shopping habits concertinaed into one year”.
As lockdowns were announced, 40% of sales were generated online. We needed to find a way to bring the remaining 60% online – fast. Increasing ‘mobile’ share of online sales, which stood at just 12%, was going to be vital.
Deloitte established blended teams, working alongside the client to prioritise the technology foundations that would enable pace, whilst in parallel leveraging these foundations to deliver a new mobile app experience for their customers.
The results were a seamless migration onto a new modern architecture, which provided the business with the ability to deliver change more quickly. And an increase in the mobile share of online sales, reaching highs of 32% - with an increase in in-app revenue of 205% since 2019.