Register for Deloitte Legal’s - Navigating the economic outlook for 2023

Tuesday 21 February 2023 – 08.30 – 12.00

Deloitte Legal would be delighted if you could join us at our 2 New Street Square offices on 21 February 2023 at 08.30 for breakfast and registration (09.00 start), to hear from our UK economist and a range of experts from legal and the wider firm.

This packed session, aimed at General Counsel, Legal teams, HR directors and their teams and those involved in performance improvement, will give an update on the economic outlook for 2023 and take a look at the following key areas and how businesses can navigate these:

  1. Performance improvement – operational improvement, value protection and cash and liquidity forecasting, stakeholder management and turnaround options - James Blastland and Christopher Skinner, Performance Improvement
  2. Reducing value leakage through contractual compliance - contract management, third party inspections, and timely enforcement of your rights. Rob Griffiths, Dispute Resolution, Craig Conte, Contract Management, Mark Bethnal, and Ian Jackson, Extended Enterprise Risk Management
  3. Alternative solutions for organisations considering workforce changes - Justin Terry, Employment lawyer, Sam Moulson, Global Employer Services, and Nina Fishta, Human Capital Consulting
  4. Mitigating director liability risk in a downturn - Glafkos Tombolis, Corporate Law
  5. Dealing with increased volumes of litigation - Dispute Resolution team and Forensic Technology specialists.