
MLOps report: Coming soon!

The countdown begins!

AI is rapidly advancing, and many organisations are trying to keep pace with the speed of development by implementing the latest technologies. In this new report from the Deloitte AI Institute we will explore how firms can get ahead of the field by adopting and implementing MLOps.

A Sneak peek

AI Technology Usage

To be able to embrace more complex forms of AI, a firm must first have in place adequate MLOps. Our report explores in detail the barriers firms must navigate to implement MLOps and ultimately unlock the untapped value of the latest developments in AI. See what the AI Technology usage looks like.

  • Supervised Classical Machine Learning is the most popular AI technology currently in use, followed by Forecasting and Natural Language Processing
  • The most sought-after technologies that respondents are planning on using in the next year are Deep Learning techniques such as Reinforcement Learning and Generative Models
  • This greater complexity in AI technology usage will in turn demand more complex infrastructure capabilities

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