
Accelerate your document review

Deloitte discovery's review workflow accelerators

It’s an inescapable fact — litigation involves document review; it’s one of the most fundamental aspects of litigation and eDiscovery. Document review can also be one of the costliest, time-consuming, labor intensive and important aspects of your litigation. Deloitte Discovery helps accelerate document review with a suite of tools.

The Review Workflow Accelerators

The Review Workflow Accelerators are tightly integrated with our Relativity® hosting platform. These tools are offered as a self-service Relativity add-on. This means you can easily select which tools to use based on the size and scope of your legal matter.Based upon the needs of your legal matter, you can select the following tools:

Conformity Engine

This tool allows clients to design and implement rules within Relativity which can be applied to the document coding and data entry process.

For example, automated logic could be set up to identify documents tagged as “privileged” and “produce” or “redaction needed” without a redaction present.

Key benefits:

  • Improves overall data quality
  • Reduces coding overturns
  • Easy to use
  • Build new rules in minutes (rather than days with traditional methods)


Enterprise eDiscovery early data analysis platform that assists clients with identifying potentially relevant content using visual analytics, intelligent searching, and communication analysis.

Key benefits

  • Automatically generates interactive visualizations of your data
  • Intelligent Search automatically identifies related concepts and keywords

Assisted Redaction

Deloitte Assisted Redaction is an automated image redaction application whereby users can search for specific text and apply a redaction to a set of documents.

Key benefits:

  • Improves document review speed
  • Reduces manual work associated with redacting images

Assisted Native Imaging

Deloitte Assisted Native Imaging automatically detects and images documents for redaction or production purposes.

For example, Relativity can be set to image all documents tagged “produce” and “not privileged” on an automated basis, reducing the turnaround time for productions.

Key benefits:

  • Automatically images documents based on client instructions
  • Automatically applies slip sheets to documents produced in native format
  • Reduces the production cycle time by imaging documents in advance of production deadline

Relativity Analytics Dashboard

Relativity Analytics Dashboard provides clients with user-friendly visualizations which summarize project activity and identify data trends.

Key benefits:

  • Provides metrics associated with document review workflow
  • Allows users to gain insight into document level metrics

Deloitte Discovery offers a flexible document review system to meet your needs. 

To discuss how the Review Workflow Accelerators can expedite the review of documents in your litigation matter contact:

Get in touch

Boray Altunisler

Boray Altunisler

Director | Forensic

Boray leads the Electronic Discovery team within the Forensic Technology practice in the Middle East. He has extensive experience in the eDiscovery field in the Middle East and the UK, and has led a n... More