Finance in a digital world: It’s crunch time for CFO’s!


The "Crunch time" series for CFOs

A series on digital technology and transformation in finance

Examine specific digital disruptors and their impacts in our "Crunch time" report series. Whatever your interest, one thing is clear: From cloud computing and robotics to analytics, cognitive technologies, and blockchain, a new class of digital disruptors is transforming how the work of finance gets done.

Latest: Business reporting in a digital world

When you say the word reporting, binders full of spreadsheets, charts, and footnotes might come to mind. Or maybe conference rooms with executives grinding through slide presentations. And behind it all, there’s an army of Finance people who’ve been working for weeks to pull it all together.

This guide describes how digital tools like automation, advanced analytics, and machine learning are making both financial and internal management reporting faster, more insightful, and less costly – and the lessons learned along the way.

Additional "Crunch time" reports

Crunch time I: Finance in digital world

Crunch time II: CFOs talk off the record

Deloitte's original point of view, "Crunch time: Finance in a digital world"—based on extensive research with finance executives, including in-depth interviews with CFOs of global businesses—explores the various digital disruptors and may be the quickest way to understand what's in store for finance organizations as they hurtle toward the future.

Thirty CFOs share their unfiltered thoughts and experiences around a broader discussion of finance and what it means to make the digital journey. Deloitte knows that one way to stay abreast of new developments is to join in focused conversations with other finance leaders, across multiple industries and geographies, so this is a good place to start.

Download "Crunch time I: Finance in a digital world" 
Download "Crunch time II: CFOs talk off the record"

Crunch time III: CFO's guide to cognitive technology

Crunch time IV: Blockchain for Finance

"The CFO’s guide to cognitive technology" explores how organizations can deploy emerging cognitive technologies to help create a more efficient, insightful, and controlled Finance function. Included in this guide are a collection of examples based on what technologies we’ve seen companies begin to test and adopt, and our experience working with many Finance organizations.

"Blockchain for finance" is a practical guide for finance organizations that want to understand options for blockchain and make effective decisions about moving forward. It features more than a dozen frequently asked questions finance teams can use to make sense of blockchain technology, as well as a high-level roadmap for adoption. It also includes a seven-point checklist for CFOs who are thinking about embarking on the blockchain journey.

Download "Crunch time III: CFO's guide to cognitive technology"
Download "Crunch time IV: Blockchain for Finance"

Download the infographic

Crunch time V: Finance 2025 (our predictions)

Crunch time 6: Algorithmic forecasting

"Finance 2025" offers eight bold predictions about how finance organizations might evolve over the next several years, becoming better, faster, and probably less expensive. The technologies needed to reimagine finance are here and they will only get better.

Algorithmic forecasting is a transparent way to improve the forecasting process, while relieving finance professionals of tedious, repetitive work. The result? More accurate and timely forecasts–and more informed decisions.

Read "Crunch time V: Finance 2025"
Read "Algorithmic forecasting in a digital world"

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Digital transformation case studies: It’s crunch time for finance

Want to learn more about topics related to finance in a digital world? See how real clients solved emerging finance issues by adopting digital ways of working and thinking. Read the case studies. Whatever your interest, one thing is clear: From cloud computing and robotics to analytics, cognitive technologies, and blockchain, a new class of digital disruptors is transforming how the work of finance gets done.

stopwatch technology

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