
Risk services

The Risk services offered by Deloitte Azerbaijan provide solutions and frameworks in the areas of risk analytics and measurement, risk reporting, and risk data management to help companies design, implement, and improve their infrastructure (processes, data, and technology) related to specific risks (e.g., governance, strategy and planning, operations/infrastructure, compliance, and reporting) affecting the organization. This includes data analytic techniques to enable ongoing monitoring, the build-out of data management capabilities, and development of KPIs.

We work with organizations to implement risk appetite and utilization monitoring capabilities and to establish related risk governance structures needed across the enterprise. Deloitte Azerbaijan professionals can assist with developing a strategic approach to managing risk that simultaneously addresses management expectations and provides solutions for both risk management and regulatory compliance.

The Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Management services focus on designing, implementing, and improving specific risk capabilities such as the following:

  • Risk governance and oversight
  • Risk policies and procedures
  • Risk identification and assessment support
  • RCSA programs
  • Risk analytics


Risk assessment, monitoring and management

The Risk Benchmarking and Analysis services assist clients in assessing and benchmarking risk management capabilities against regulatory requirements and industry practice expectations.

Risk benchmarking and analysis

Risk Management Processes and Systems services include assisting  clients with evaluating risk management process efficiency and effectiveness considerations.

Risk management processes and systems

The Risk Reporting and Monitoring service focus on assisting clients with the establishment of a documented and consistent reporting process for management and regulatory risk reporting.

Risk reporting and monitoring

The Risk Management Implementation and training services focus on assistance with developing and rolling out varied role-based, risk-oriented training for managers and employees involved in the risk management process.

Risk management implementation and training

As risks rise, boards respond

A global view of risk committees

Boards of directors have been working hard to fulfill their risk oversight responsibilities in a challenging environment. Regulations are changing rapidly in most industries, and vary significantly across countries. Investors, analysts, and the public are demanding greater transparency into risk and risk management, as are creditors, counterparties, and other stakeholders. Many boards legitimately wonder not only what regulators want, but also which approaches to risk oversight actually work.

Click here to read more.

What’s risk got to do with it?

If you asked CFOs to list the major uncertainties they’ve grappled with over the past couple of years, you might get consensus on risks such as the economy, regulation, commodity pricing, and consumer demand. But, you would probably get little agreement on how they’ve factored such risks into their financial forecasts and planning.

Part of the problem is that financial planning and analysis has not changed fundamentally from the way it was done 10 years ago, despite the onslaught of new and more-strategic risks. Moreover, there still appears to be very little process integration across risk management, strategic planning, financial forecasting, and budgeting – integration often considered vital to addressing the speed and range of risks many companies face.

In this issue of CFO Insights, we discuss what still needs to be fixed in the financial planning and analysis process and introduce an analytical framework – risk-adjusted forecasting – that seeks to tame the uncertainties in that process. Read more.

Inside Magazine

With today’s heightened awareness of the need for anticipating and managing risks in an evermore dynamic and uncertain environment, boards, audit, risk and compliance committees and C-suite executives are striving to better understand the broadest range of their actual or potential risk exposures and the effectiveness of their governance, risk, and compliance infrastructure. For this reason, Deloitte Luxembourg has chosen to dedicate the third edition of their Inside magazine to the wide range of professionals involved in governance, risk management, compliance and internal audit issues.

Inside magazine Issue 3

A Corporate Governance breakdown

Exposing companies to greater risk of fraud and corruption 

Internal auditors play a vital role in reducing the risk of fraud, corruption and other corporate wrongdoing. Yet, according to Deloitte’s new analysis of member survey data from The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), 62 percent or more of internal audit functions at public companies globally do not comply with all of the IIA's International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. The situation is surprisingly similar at private companies, governmental and nonprofit entities.

Learn more about the IIA standards, Deloitte’s analysis of noncompliance, and how elevating their Internal Audit function may help organizations preserve and create value by  downloading your copy of this article here.


Tural Hajiyev

Tural Hajiyev

Partner, Risk Advisory

Tural is Risk Advisory Partner at Deloitte Azerbaijan. He joined Deloitte in 2003, specializing in corporate governance and risk management as well as organizational and operational efficiency engagem... More

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