
The true value of pricing

From pricing strategy to sales excellence

Good pricing practices open the door for the right price to the right customer strategy. Organizations must look into what customers want and adjust their segmentations to keep up with the business transformations and grow sustainably at the same time

The challenge of value in price management

The world’s current political, economic and social scenario poses major challenges. On the business side, the economic recession has affected organizations, that have to deal with the market’s unpredictability in order to succeed.

At the same time, the integration of the digital world into the business environment contributes to producing a new consumer profile: more connected, mature and informed about their own habits.

In this context, price management becomes a powerful advantage to guide organizations throughout the changes, to boost their performance and to maximize their earnings.

Among the main strategies, pricing based on the customer perceived value for a product or a service has been gaining attention from global companies in recent years.

“The True Value of Pricing – From pricing strategy to sales excellence” studies how organizations manage and position their prices in the current economic scenario. The survey also shares an analysis based on Deloitte’s experience to strengthen the importance of pricing strategy and to help companies to meet market demands with more efficiency.

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