
Networking checklist: How to get noticed

By Antonie Furlani

Analyst | Financial Advisory Services

Information sessions and networking events can be challenging, especially when students outnumber the firm representatives. After much practice, I have developed a list of tips that helped me land the right interviews.

The more people you connect with the better
When I enter information sessions I tell myself that my goal is to get just one senior person to want to connect with me and for everyone else to know who I am. You need that one person to throw your name into the hat, but when they ask their colleagues what they thought of you, you’re better off if you have support from them.

Don’t get intimidated by senior employees
Talking to junior employees can be comfortable because they will understand your current situation best, but seniors have much more sway on who to hire. Also, partners are much more approachable than you might think! These people have a ton of life experience that they are waiting to share.

Don’t be afraid to ask the same question
You may feel the need for every question to be a home run or unique, but that is not the case. There are some great questions you can ask everybody such as “How have you seen the firm change during your time there?”

It’s ok to skip the business talk
These folks may love their jobs but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a life outside the office. Don’t be afraid to ask non-work questions. “Have you travelled recently?” and “Where are your favourite places to eat in the city?” are all valid questions, so have fun with it.

Follow up
Networking doesn’t end when the session does. Make sure you follow up with your new contacts and try setting up an informational interview with the ones you felt you connected with the best.

Antonie is a recent graduate of the Richard Ivey School of Business majoring in an HBA and Economics. He is currently an analyst, Financial Advisory Services in our Toronto practice.

Antonie Furlani
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