
The insurance & banking industry – the next generation

Deloitte talent FSI surveys: Canada

The Deloitte talent in banking survey 2014 and the Deloitte talent in insurance survey 2014 highlight key Canadian findings and suggest steps Canada’s banks and insurance companies can take to drive their talent strategy forward.


In today’s economic environment, a number of challenges around talent retention and attraction has become top of mind for the banking sector. According to the Deloitte Talent in Banking survey, the time is ripe for banks to act on emerging talent opportunities.

The Deloitte talent in banking survey 2014: Canada in focus


Insurers face a particular problem, as industry popularity continues to flat‑line. The need for Canadian insurance companies to attract and retain talent nationally and globally must stay a top priority on their list and the Talent in Insurance survey can provide insurers insight into this.

The Deloitte talent in insurance survey 2014: Canada in focus
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