Japanese Service Group (JSG)/ 日系企業サービスグループ
We support your overseas business from the perspective of both the Japanese head offices and overseas subsidiaries. / 海外でのビジネスを日本・海外子会社拠点双方からサポートいたします
The Japanese Services Group (“JSG”) at Deloitte was launched in 1975 as a professional group dedicated to addressing the unique needs of Japanese companies expanding their business overseas. Since its launch, we have been working to provide multifaceted and comprehensive support to help our clients address the increasingly complex and advanced business challenges faced by Japanese companies.
When expanding business overseas, companies must have many different perspectives to consider environmental changes and various types of risks that impact business in both Japan and overseas. Japanese head offices responsible for making decisions must also have sufficient knowledge about overseas finance, tax, labour, legal affairs, and local systems and customs. Furthermore, smooth communication between Japanese head offices and overseas subsidiaries is essential for a business’s global advancement and sustainable growth.
JSG uses the best possible combination of Deloitte resources such as its network, expertise, industry knowledge, and Japanese-speaking bilingual professionals to support our Japanese client companies in operating their business both in Japan and around the world.
Deloitte Tohmatsu Group (Japan) is the core of Japanese Services Group. JSG is a global organization holding over 1,350 professionals fluent or bilingual in Japanese, including expatriates from Japan. Its members also consist of specialists in various fields who are well versed in Japanese business practices and culture, enabling it to provide Japanese companies with the highest level of service.
デロイトの日系企業サービスグループ(Japanese Services Group : JSG)は海外に進出する日系企業特有のニーズに応えるための専門組織として1975年に発足し、以来、複雑化・高度化する日系企業の経営課題に対応するため、クライアントの皆様を多面的かつ包括的にサポートすることに努めてまいりました。
デロイト トーマツ グループ(日本)はJSGの中核を担っています。JSGは日本からの駐在員を含めた1,350名超の日本語話者・バイリンガルのプロフェッショナルに加え、日本の商慣習や文化に精通した各分野の専門家で構成される日系企業に高品質のサービスを提供するグローバル組織です。
JSG in Canada/ カナダ日系企業サービスグループとは
Deloitte Canada's Japanese Service Group (Canada JSG) has expertise and experience in providing services to Japanese enterprises doing business in various industries across Canada. With the nationwide network of Deloitte Canada’s offices, JSG has a dominant market share and position in the area. Through collaboration with Japanese bilingual professionals, local licensed accountants with extensive experience in Canada, Deloitte Tohmatsu Group (Japan) and Deloitte member firms in various countries, Canada JSG provide high-quality comprehensive services that take into consideration the unique culture and business practices of Japan.
デロイトカナダにおける日系企業サービスグループ(カナダJSG)は、カナダ全土にまたがるデロイトの数多くの拠点と連携し、カナダでビジネスを行う日系企業に対し様々な分野におけるサービス提供の実績と経験を有し、クライアント数や契約額において大きな マーケット・シェアを占めています。日本語バイリンガル、深い知識とカナダでの豊かな経験を持つ勅許会計士、そして、デロイト トーマツ グループ(日本)と世界各国のデロイトメンバーファームと連携することにより、カナダJSGは日本固有の文化や慣行にも配慮した質の高い包括的なサービスを提供いたします。