Understanding public priorities for criminal justice
How do people experience the justice system and what are their priorities for change?
Around the world, criminal justice systems are being challenged to redefine their goals. But striking a balance between the many objectives of the criminal justice system and its priorities for reform can be tricky—especially when those two factors can often be at odds.
Public perception of crime and criminal justice is notoriously hard to measure, often exacerbating this delicate balance. In our recent global study, Deloitte has found that public sentiment around the criminal justice system needs more discerning interpretation.
Understandably, many people don’t have highly detailed knowledge of the criminal justice system, its policies, and practices. Their experience and emotions can often influence their perception of criminal justice. Ultimately, more caution and more care are needed when taking the public’s pulse on issues related to these institutions.
This article discusses some key things to consider when analyzing how people experience the justice system and how that can and should influence priorities for change. These include:
- The importance of citizen input and strategies on how it can best be gathered.
- How feedback from citizen experiences can shape change in the criminal justice system.