
Price forecast archives

Download our price and market demand forecasts from years past.


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March 2024

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)


2021 price forecasts


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December 2023

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

September 2023

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

June 2023

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

March 2023

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)
2021 price forecasts


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December 2022

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

September 2022

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

June 2022

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

March 2022

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)
2021 price forecasts


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December 2021

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

September 2021

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

June 2021

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

March 2021

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)
2021 price forecasts


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December 2020

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

September 2020

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

June 2020

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

March 2020

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)


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December 2019

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

September 2019

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

June 2019

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

March 2019

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)


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December 2018

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

September 2018

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

June 2018

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)

March 2018

Canadian and International
  • Commentary and Data summary (PDF)


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December 2017

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)

September 2017

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)

June 2017

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)

March 2017

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


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December 2016

Canadian and International
  • Data summary and commentary (PDF)

September 2016

Canadian and International
  • Data summary and commentary (PDF)

June 2016

Canadian and International
  • Data summary and commentary (PDF)

March 2016

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


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December 2015

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)

September 2015

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)

June 2015

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)

March 2015

Canadian and International

  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


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December 2014


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)

September 2014


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


June 2014


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)

March 2014


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


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December 2013


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


September 2013


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


June 2013


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


March 2013


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


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December 2012


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)


September 2012


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


June 2012


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


March 2012


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


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December 2011


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


September 2011


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


  • Data summary (PDF)
  • Commentary (PDF)


June 2011




The referenced price deck was created for information purposes only as a possible forward view of future oil and gas prices. It is not for dissemination in the United States or for distribution to United States wire services. The price deck is based in part on estimates of market prices, currency exchange rates, inflation, market supply and demand and government policy as at the price deck’s effective date. Oil and gas prices have historically been subject to significant commodity price volatility. As such there can be no certainty that any price forecasts will actually materialize.

This price deck was developed independently of any Deloitte client relationship and does not represent the firm’s view as a financial statement auditor to any legal business entity and should not be used for that purpose. The price deck is not an examination or compilation of, or the performance of agreed upon procedures with respect to, prospective financial information in accordance with standards or rules established by any professional accounting body. There will usually be differences between forward looking information and actual results because events and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected, and those differences may be material.

Any user of this forecast for any purpose accepts full responsibility for the reasonableness of the prices being forecast as required by NI 51-101 and Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook (COGEH). The Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (Calgary Chapter) and Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (Petroleum Society) recommend in the COGEH that price forecasts used at a particular point in time represent a consensus of buyers and sellers who, through their purchase and sale transactions, are establishing value in the marketplace. Please consult with an Independent Qualified Reserves Evaluator or Auditor to learn more about oil and gas evaluation practices and procedures.

While every effort has been made to ensure the quality of information provided, no representation or warranty of any kind (whether expressed or implied) is given by Deloitte LLP as to the accuracy, completeness, currency or fitness for any purpose of this document. As such, this document does not constitute the giving of investment advice, nor a part of any advice on investment decisions. Accordingly, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, Deloitte LLP accepts no liability of any kind and disclaims all responsibility for the consequences of any person acting or refraining from acting in reliance on this price forecast in whole or in part. 

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