
Richard Noble


Richard Noble

Bay Adelaide East

8 Adelaide Street West, Suite 200




M5H 0A9

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A partner in our Capital Projects (CP) practice in Toronto, Richard leads Deloitte’s CP work on aerospace, naval, and defence programs in Canada. He has more than 30 years of experience in world-class system-of-systems programs in these sectors as well as in peer mission and safety-critical projects in the nuclear and transportation sectors.

As a prime contractor, Richard has held executive responsibility for delivering major projects as well as setting standards and developing the management frameworks for clients with multi-billion-dollar portfolios of projects and contracts. He has negotiated, launched, baselined, re-baselined, executed, and completed programs. He has also advised on recovery or exit strategies for large programs in distress.

With experience on both sides of the Atlantic, Richard has been proven adept in advanced program management techniques. This includes decades of earned value management, parametric, and quantitative risk analysis. It’s also backed by decades of leadership using a range of contract models, including fixed fee, target price, cost-plus-x, and collaborative procurement.

With his extensive knowledge of leading-edge program management, contract management, and systems engineering, Richard is well positioned to help clients develop, manage, and conduct oversight of their most complex initiatives.

Richard Noble