Talent and Skills
Addressing the challenges posed by digitalisation and an ageing workforce
A large pool of well-educated talent has been key to Switzerland’s success in recent decades. A relatively free and efficient labour market, a quality education system and Switzerland's openness to international talent have been the most important building blocks in this regard. However, Switzerland’s top position is at risk. Faced with accelerating digital transformation and an ageing population, government and businesses need to take action to make sure that Switzerland tackles a looming labour shortage and remains a leader in attracting, educating and retaining talent. Policymakers need to update the education system and labour market regulation and businesses need to rethink their workforce strategy and tap into new talent pools.
Our recommendations
Here are what policymakers and businesses need to do to help Switzerland power up its workforce strategy and remain innovative, attractive and inclusive now and in the future.
Ease access for high skilled international talent
Activate domestic labour market reserves by improving regulatory framework
Make the retirement age more flexible and link it to life expectancy
Boost STEM in schools
Upgrade education system to the digital age
Adopt labour law for the digital age
Implement a workforce strategy for the future
Embrace remote working
Focus on lifelong learning
Leverage and manage the ‘alternative’ workforce
Rethink the value of older workers
What is the workforce strategy of the future?
What else can organisations do to remain innovative, attractive and inclusive?
The future of people and workforce analytics
"People analytics has been a top priority for companies for many years, yet they still seem to be struggling to realise the potential and benefits it can offer. The current COVID-19 crisis may accelerate this journey as it has increased the need for easy access to insightful and future-oriented people data."
Insights and perspectives
How can we help?
Human Capital
Reimaging work to drive productivity, value and impact through human potential and resilient companies.
Read the full report to see what is needed to power up Switzerland now and in the future
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Veronica Melian
Swiss Human Capital Leader
+41 58 279 6161
Matthias Thalmann
+41 58 279 7076