
Frequently Asked Questions

All your questions answered

The Best Managed Companies programme is designed to recognize the overall success of strong private companies. Eligible private companies apply online and are evaluated based on four key performance indicators: strategy, capabilities, commitment and financial. An independent panel of judges will select the Best Managed Companies to be recognized.

  • It focuses on Swiss privately owned and managed companies
  • Recognizes overall business performance and sustained growth
  • Recognizes the entire organization
  • Measures more than financial performance
  • Gives insights into best practices, which are shared during the coaching process

To be considered a Best Managed Company, you have to meet our criteria and go through the three-phase application process. Please find the detailed roadmap here

The criteria we use for the programme are lined out here.

The programme generally kicks off annually in the late summer. Applications will be accepted at that time and the process will generally flow as follows (dates may shift slightly year on year):

  • Applications for the Best Managed Companies programme 2023 will open on 3 October 2022
  • Deadline for submission of Phase II is 28 April 2023
  • They will be notified of their success in the course of May 2023
  • Best Managed Companies Gala event on 29 June 2023

An external panel of third parties selects the companies to be recognized as best managed; Deloitte does not participate in the selection process. The programme does not have a specified number of winners each year.

Yes. Applicants recognized as Best Managed Companies have the opportunity to requalify after their initial recognition, subject to annual and operational and financial review. Requalifying companies retain all of the benefits of being a recognized Best Managed Company and have the opportunity to work towards the prestigious Gold status (4 years as a Best Managed) & Platinum status (7 years as a Best Managed), leading to more media coverage and encouraging continued commitment from staff and stakeholders.

The judging panel will examine companies under the four pillars of strategy, capabilities, commitment and financial.

No, all we ask for is a little of your time.

No. The confidentiality of your financial information is vital to the integrity and continued success of the programme. Only your coaches that work directly with you and the judging panel will have access.

All submissions are confidential and the programme is compliant with Deloitte's strict privacy and confidentiality policies.

The Deloitte’s Best Managed Companies is currently active in more than 48 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific. The programme commenced in Canada 30 years ago and the most recent launches include the US and China, as well as several countries in Europe, including Germany, Austria, Italy and France.

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