
Power Sector sees remarkable growth opportunities in infrastructure development along the Belt & Road

Deloitte with B&R

Issue 10

In last issue's 'Deloitte with B&R', we explored how MNCs will play a key role in development under the Belt & Road Initiative. International cooperation in the power sector is bound to be an important area of development. In that context, what kind of development opportunities will the power sector meet along the B&R?

In this issue, we introduce Mrs. Marylee Ma, E&R BD Lead Partner, to analyze these remarkable growth opportunities.

"Belt & Road" construction will bring unprecedented development opportunities for the power sector

Power consumption in developing countries along the "Belt & Road" is very low, but set fair to increase as economic development continues to accelerate. Supported by the B&R Initiative, China's power development, construction and equipment manufacturing companies are already devoting themselves to these markets and several have achieved strong results.

Meanwhile, green technologies for coal-fired power generation in China have made tremendous progress, reducing the actual emissions of hazardous substances like soot to ultra-low levels – below even the emission standards for gas-fired power generation. This leading Chinese technology enables people in the countries along the "Belt & Road" to enjoy the safety and convenience of clean energy.

Furthermore, companies involved in both these trends are well placed to benefit from the strong financial backing of RMB internationalization, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Silk Road Fund, and the BRICS New Development Bank.


Coming soon: Financing can be a huge challenge for enterprises participating in "Belt & Road" construction. Infrastructure construction usually requires large amounts of money and has a long return on investment cycle. This means companies cannot always rely on their own funds to sustain their efforts. The next issue of 'Deloitte with B&R' will analyze how they can improve their financing ability, expand their financing channels, and take advantage of innovative financing methods.

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