Chat bot DTalCa, Deloitte Ukraine


Deloitte Ukraine hires a recruitment bot

His name is D.TalCa (Deloitte Talent Candidate), and the friends call it Detalka. He conducts interviews, recommends vacancies at Deloitte to job seekers, introduces them to the company, and tells about its history and events.

Recruitment bot D.TalCa (@DeloitteTalentBot)


On average, a person spends several hours a day on social media and messengers. Bots have already become part of everyday life of many Internet users. They are designed to make life easier and make it more productive. The uniqueness of the bots is that with the acquisition of knowledge they can learn and become “smarter”. The Deloitte team has developed a chat bot that selects and offers the most suitable vacancies for the candidates.

Detalka knows the history of Deloitte and interesting facts about the life of Deloittees. He will also be happy to advise you on “how to get to the library at two o'clock at night”. Detalka collects data about the candidates in an easy to process format. “We believe that this function can completely replace the process of CV preparation by the candidates and a manual analysis of CVs, which is conducted by our recruitment team,” says Anastasiia Ovcharenko, Senior Employee Development and Recruitment Specialist at Deloitte.

Detalka can offer a job position that exactly corresponds to the basic competencies of a particular candidate. Both HR specialists and the team leaders have great hopes for the recruitment boat: “If I, as a Tax and Legal Manager, want to hire a consultant with work experience or a graduate from a particular university, the vacancy will be offered only to those candidates who meet the specified criteria. However, this is just an example, because in practice the process looks a bit more complicated,” says Oleksandr Yampolskyi, Development Team leader.

D.TalCa has all the chances to be recognised as one of the most innovative solutions for selecting candidates in the professional services market of Ukraine.

We would like to say thank you to our partners 


for their assistance in the implementation of this project!

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