Delivery Capabilities

If you are looking for help with certain areas such as Robo-advice, analytics, RegTech, blockchain, and more, Deloitte has teams around the world who are experienced and focused on those specific areas – we call these Centers of Excellence. Our connected global network of issues-based, technology-enabled, financial services-specific Centers of Excellence contain subject matter expertise and client-facing delivery capabilities to help you develop a targeted strategy and plan.

Delivery Capabilities

If you are looking for help with certain areas such as Robo-advice, analytics, RegTech, blockchain, and more, Deloitte has teams around the world who are experienced and focused on those specific areas – we call these Centers of Excellence. Our connected global network of issues-based, technology-enabled, financial services-specific Centers of Excellence contain subject matter expertise and client-facing delivery capabilities to help you develop a targeted strategy and plan.


Eric Piscini

Eric Piscini
Global Blockchain Co Leader, Financial Services Consulting


David Dalton

David Dalton
Global Blockchain Co Leader, Financial Services Consulting
