
Time is running out to act on climate change. But rather than climate action being a drain on the economy, our report on Germany applies a long-term perspective and shows there is a window of opportunity to boost GDP, accelerate economic growth and provide new employment opportunities for citizens.


By transforming our economy with a long-term strategy to reach net zero emissions, we can contribute to limit global warming to as close to 1.5°C as possible, reducing the economic harm of continued warming.


By getting started now, we can set the right direction. Not only can upfront international coordination speed the path to net zero, but it could ensure a supportive transition that eases the cost burden -and shares the benefits- of change with all economies in Europe. ${buttonText}


Report highlights


Economic imperative - our turning point

The cost of action and inaction


The opportunity and impacts

Germany faces a critical and consequential choice


Time to act - accelerating to zero

Four phases will shape our economic and climatic future

Dive into the data


Contact us

Dr. Alexander Börsch

Chefökonom & Director Research



