
Who are we looking for? 

The Deloitte Female Academy is open to top female students from 2nd-year bachelor to 2nd-year master levels. We aim to bring together a diverse team of talented individuals with varied interests and skillsets—those eager to learn, grow, and connect.

Whether you see yourself as a Business Quant, Digital Business Strategist, IT Specialist, Software Wizard, Strategic Audit Expert, People Strategist, Analytics & Maths Master, Social Scientist, or Innovation Artist, the Deloitte Female Academy is your platform to shine and thrive.

Join us and embark on a transformative journey where your potential will be nurtured, your skills sharpened, and your professional network expanded.
Who are we looking for?





Experiences of former Female Academy members 

By taking part of Female Academy, I met a lot of very open, welcoming, fun, ambitious women. I thought it was very nice that it was such, broad mix of different profiles, both in terms of prior experiences, study lines, educational, but also ethnical background”.

Sara Lagerstedt 

During Female Academy I discovered that the learning was about the whole person, and not only getting a big toolbox of how you can develop professionally. It was more about how you can pursue the right work life balance while developing professional tools. Female Academy is also about developing personally, to create a sustainable career for yourself.”

Caroline Koch

“The Female Academy was a fantastic opportunity to meet new students and like-minded women, all eager to learn about Deloitte and consulting. Throughout the academy, we developed a strong network, which I still value today. The female representatives from Deloitte provided unique insights and learnings, becoming inspiring role models for us.”

Jannicke Kvernerud

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