Investment Management


Investment Management

As global leaders in providing services to the investment management industry, Deloitte’s investment management practice provides global resources and capabilities with a local presence, resulting in a clear understanding of each client’s specific market and way of doing business.

Modelårsrapport for forvaltere af alternative investeringsfonde 2024

Modelårsrapport som hjælp og inspiration for forvaltere af alternative investeringsfonde, der aflægger årsrapport efter regnskabsbekendtgørelsen

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2023 investment management outlook

The global investment management industry looks to drive success in a virtuous cycle

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Artificial Intelligence: The next frontier in investment management

The operating environment for investment management firms continues to evolve, with technological innovations and shifting investor preferences at the heart of this change. While traditional sources of differentiation in investment management are becoming increasingly commoditized, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is providing new opportunities which extend beyond cost reduction and efficient operations.

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Alan Saul

Alan Saul


Spørg mig om: Banker, pengeinstitutter, virksomhedstransformationer, IT. Alan har 23 års erfaring som rådgiver og er sammen med Kasper Bruhn Udam intern industrileder for Financial Services-området. A... Mere

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