
Scale-up companies

Deloitte is the number one trusted advisor of scale-up companies in Denmark. We offer our highly specialised team and a concept designed especially for scale-up companies.

Your company is scalable and on the verge of completing your ambition but you need the final push to get to the highest level. Deloitte can provide global experience in the areas of international M&A transactions, tax consultancy and, if needed, stock exchange listing.

Your company might grow at a very quick pace, and we are with you all the way. Our team will ensure tailor-made solutions to meet your challenges. Regardless of your actual size, you will have access to the best experts as your company grows.

We will:

  • Control the due diligence process
  • Manage international taxes
  • Advise you about optimal remuneration packages 
Scale-ups and growth companies - Development stages

Want to know more?

Do you need assistance or simply a non-committal meeting. Please feel free to contact one of our experts.

Mads Fauerskov

Mads Fauerskov


Mads har mere end 14 års erfaring som revisor og er leder af Deloitte Private Fast Growing Companies. Mads besidder en række kernekompetencer, hvoraf bl.a. følgende bør nævnes: Revision & rådgivning K... Mere

Bjørn Winkler Jakobsen

Bjørn Winkler Jakobsen


Bjørn er partner i vores revisionspraksis i Danmark. Han har været partner siden 2008 og har over 20 års erfaring som leder af danske og internationale revisionsopgaver. Bjørn har bred erfaring med re... Mere

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