
Extended Enterprise Risk Management

Maximize revenue, mitigate risks, and strengthen relationships

In today’s hyper-connected marketplace, no one organization can function on its own. But partnerships and alliances don’t come without risk. Deloitte’s extended enterprise risk management (EERM) services evaluate and manage the risks associated with an organization’s extended enterprise—and the ecosystem in which it operates—to ensure that third-party business partners such as outsourcers, licensees, and suppliers are performing to contractual expectations, and to minimize threats to valuable infrastructure and data.

We offer:

  • Extended Enterprise Compliance and Recovery - We work with organizations to identify and manage risks resulting from extended business relationships to enhance value, drive cost savings, manage corporate reputation and audit/legal exposure, and manage compliance—both their own and on the part of the business partner.
  • Third-Party Advisory (TPA) - We help organizations maximize value and minimize the risks associated with third-party relationships. Services include the development and implementation of third-party risk management (TPRM) frameworks, and the assessment and management of third-party contracts. Additionally, we provide analytics to enhance third-party risk management, including third-party governance and risk management (TPGRM), contract management and compliance, software asset management, and automotive dealership services.

Focusing on the climb ahead: 2018 extended enterprise risk management global survey report

This third annual survey report looks at how global organizations are putting a renewed focus on enhancing EERM amid increasing dependence on third-parties. It also highlights six key areas where most organizations need improvement.

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