

SDG Accelerator for Danish companies

Applying innovation labs to the Sustainable Development Goals

In 2018-2019, Monitor Deloitte is supporting 30 small and medium sized companies in accelerating new innovative business solutions for the SDGs. As the implementing partner of the SDG accelerator - a new programme under the United Nations Development (UNDP) - Monitor Deloitte is responsible for facilitating a 6-month business innovation journey focusing on making an impact on the SDGs.

UNDP is the largest UN development organisation appointed to coordinate the SDG implementation at country level and support governments across the world in designing national SDG action plans. UNDP has longstanding experience from working with the private sector and a strong position across sectors, industries and market in more than 170 countries.

Putting the SDGs to work
The SDG Accelerator is tested by the UNDP in 2018 and 2019 with 15 Danish industrial companies each year. The ambition is to test the programme in the Danish market and then roll it out across the Nordic countries.

The SDG Accelerator offers the participating companies a unique opportunity to develop new products, services and business models with a significant business potential and impact on the SDGs.

As part of the programme, the 30 companies will go through a 6-month innovation journey be assisted in connecting their employees to the SDG agenda and take action.

If you want to join the next test of the SDG Accelerator in 2019, please contact Camilla Marie Thiele, Manager in Monitor Deloitte,


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