

Sustainable Development Goals

Everything we do has an impact on people and the planet. Deloitte help clients across sectors with impact management and measuring of that impact to reduce the negative effects and increase the positive ones.

Our approach

The SDGs challenge all organisations, companies and investors to measure and manage their impact on people and the planet – positive and negative, intended and unintended. With 17 goals, 169 targets and more than 230 indicators, the SDGs provide a common ground for previously siloed domains. 

In Deloitte, we help clients across sectors with measuring, reporting, comparing and improving impact performance in relation to the SDGs. We also take part in various industry initiatives to develop and deploy coherent guidelines on how to measure and manage SDG impact in interaction with existing impact and reporting frameworks.

Majbritt Skov

Majbritt Skov

Partner & Head of Deloitte Economics and ESG M&A

Spørg mig om: Samfundsøkonomi, økonomisk modellering og ESG i et kommercielt perspektiv Majbritt er partner i Deloitte og leder af Deloitte Economics. Hun har mere end 15 års erfaring med udarbejdelse... Mere

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