
From global goals to local development

Public sector

The SDG’s present an opportunity for the public sector to create bold and innovative new solutions to core public services in collaboration with citizens, local businesses and organizations.

Nordic localization of the SDG's

The SDGs have become an important signpost for the Nordic municipalities’ work with innovation, partnerships and communication. However, only few of the Nordic municipalities have yet fully realised the potential behind the SDGs, according to Deloitte’s report on the Nordic municipalities’ and the SDGs.

The report shows that 3 in 5 of the Nordic municipal leaders believe that the SDGs can be a door opener for local growth and public innovation and they view partnerships as one of the key way to get there.

This is one of the insights in Deloitte’s report on the localization of the SDGs in Nordic municipalities, developed in the spring of 2018 and based on interviews with 181 municipal leaders across the Nordics.

Nordic SDG report 2018 (DK)

How Deloitte can help

Deloitte helps public sector organizations in translating and operationalizing the SDGs to local priorities and solutions. We support clients in setting up a baseline for the SDG’s, by developing strategy, plans and visions for integration of the SDG’s in their context. We also help clients drive innovation and co-creation processes together with key stakeholders with the aim to develop novel and innovative solutions to persistent problems.

Nordic SDG report 2018 (EN)
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