
Privacy Notice to Clients in relation to Relocation Services

Version: 12.08.2020 

In connection with your contractual relationship with Deloitte, Deloitte will as a data controller collect and process your personal data for the purposes specified below. Deloitte processes personal data in accordance with the principles in EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Data Protection Act.

Please read carefully below, how we process your personal data in connection with our provision of relocation services.


  1. Which data do we collect about you and for which purposes?
  2. From whom do we collect your personal data?
  3. The legal basis for the collection and processing of your personal data
  4. Who do we share your personal data with and why?
  5. Who do we transfer your personal data to?
  6. How long do we store your data?
  7. Your rights
  8. Contact
  9. Revision of our privacy notice

1. Which data do we collect about you and for which purposes? 

We collect and process the following types of personal data for the purposes of fulfilment of the contract with our client regarding relocation services, benefits and related services; facilitation and enhancement of your communications and interaction with Deloitte; compliance with applicable legal or regulatory requirements and/or internal policies; documentation requirements; handling requests, complaints and claims from third parties; handling inspections and queries by supervisory authorities, external auditors and legal advisors: 

  • your name; age; date of birth; national identification number; gender; phone number; home address; relocation addresses; country of residence and relocation; family circumstances (e.g. your civil status and contact details on dependents and close relatives); photo; email address; IP address; title; office location; department; employee identification number; employment and education details (e.g. previous employment and education details); salary and pension information; bank account and credit card details; insurance details; tax-related information; travel and expenses; home ownership, home value;  passport information; visa; moving companies/carriers; and lessor of your new lease or temporarily housing facilities.

We may also process the following special categories of personal data for
the above purposes:

  • racial or ethnic origin, 
  • religious or philosophical beliefs, 
  • trade union membership, 
  • data concerning health 

2. From whom do we collect your personal data? 

We collect your personal data from you, your spouse/partner, your employer, other Deloitte entities and other third-party providers, as well as from public authorities.

3. The legal basis for the collection and processing of your personal data 

We collect and process your data based on the following articles in GDPR:  

  • Art. 6 paragraph 1 (a) your consent
  • Art. 6 paragraph 1 (b) performance of a contract with you
  • Art. 6 paragraph 1 (c) compliance with legal obligation to which Deloitte is subject
  • Art. 6 paragraph 1 (f) Deloitte’s legitimate interests
  • Art. 9 paragraph 2 (a) your explicit consent

4. Who do we share your personal data with and why? 

In connection with one or more purposes outlined above, your personal data may be disclosed to and shared with the following recipients:

  • Your employer 
  • Public authorities
  • Schools and institutions (Private as well as public) 
  • Rental companies and lessors or your housing facilities
  • Moving and utility companies
  • Insurance companies and other financial service providers
  • IT system supplier hosting your data 
  • Our professional advisors (e.g. auditor and legal advisors) 
  • Other Deloitte entities and other third-party providers

5. Who do we transfer your personal data to?  

Transfer of personal data to data processors  

We may transfer your personal data to other Deloitte entities. We may also transfer your data to IT providers, including cloud service providers, or to external service providers, who process and /or store your personal data on our behalf.  

Transfer of personal data to recipients in countries outside the EU/EEA  

We may transfer your personal data to recipients located in countries outside the EU/EEA for the purposes listed in section 1. In such case, the legal basis for the international transfer will be EU’s Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC), or other applicable legal basis.

6. How long do we store your data? 

We store your personal data for 5 years after the completion of your immigration and/or relocation services, unless otherwise instructed in writing by you or your employer.

7. Your rights 

Subject to the conditions set out in the applicable data protection legislation, you have the following rights:  

  • The right to request access to your personal data 
  • The right to rectification of your personal data 
  • The right to erasure of your personal data 
  • The right to data portability 
  • The right to objection to the processing of your personal data 
  • The right to objection to profiling  

Please note that these rights are not absolute, as they should be balanced against legal requirements and Deloitte’s legitimate interests. 

You also have the right to file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet):

Borgergade 28, 5
1300 København K 
Telephone: 33 19 32 00

8. Contact Details

Please contact us at dkdatabeskyttelse@deloitte.dk if you have any questions with regards to the protection of your personal data, or if you wish to exercise your legal rights.

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
CVR-nr. 33 96 35 56
Weidekampsgade 6
2300 Copenhagen S 
DenmarkCVR-no. 33963556

9. Revision of our privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review and thus the privacy notice may be subject to changes. The date of the latest revision of the privacy notice can be found at the top of the document.

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