
About Us

Working with Deloitte Legal

Discover more about Deloitte Legal. 

More than 2,500 lawyers in 80+ countries worldwide. About 150 lawyers in seven offices in Germany. Deloitte Legal makes the difference. Globally. Locally. Individually.

We work hard and with enthusiasm. We relish the challenges posed by our clients but also appreciate the need for a "work-life" balance.

We believe that we offer highly qualified attorneys attractive professional prospects but that we also fulfill our responsibilities to our fellow staff. A collegial spirit and team skills are indispensable as the basis for successful work together. We live this corporate culture day to day, both within our offices and in international Deloitte Legal teams with.


Your Training

The success and growth of Deloitte Legal is due in no small measure to the professional competence and personal development of our attorneys. Hence we encourage their further training in the professional field of their choice through both in-house seminars and external training courses – individually structured to meet your career plans.

At the same time we place emphasis on practical training on the case, with direct mentoring by "your" partner and direct involvement in the client relationship from the very beginning. Our "four-eye" principle, whereby two attorneys sign and take responsibility for important documentation, ensures that your contribution to the overall performance is visible from an early stage.
On the national and international levels, as a member of our service lines you participate in regular meetings of specialist working groups.

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