
Transaction services

Achieve the best value from a transaction

Our Transaction services go beyond pure financial due diligence and will help you complete deals faster, with minimum disruption and on more favourable terms.

How we can help

Competitive advantage through transactions

We help our clients achieve the best value from a transaction, be it through supporting stock exchange listings or public takeovers, performing acquisition due diligence, sale vendor assistance or vendor due diligence. We add more to a transaction than pure financial due diligence expertise by understanding and acting upon interdependencies with operational, commercial and tax related aspects of a transaction.

Acquisition due diligence

The team provides specialised due diligence and related mergers and acquisitions (M&A) services for a wide range of corporate and private equity clients. We co-ordinate and work with experts from other fields to ensure a client's diligence requirements are fulfilled. We offer integrated teams which bring together specialists in financial, tax, commercial, operational and IT due diligence to deliver the high-quality analysis required to support the decision to buy or lend.

Vendor Due Diligence

Vendor initiated due diligence maximises value, minimises disruption and reduces the risk of unpleasant surprises late in the disposal process. Our team works alongside management to identify key areas of separation activity as well as areas of vulnerability that will affect value coupled with solutions to address them. The team provides bidders with a high quality, independent and focused due diligence report on the business. This ensures all bidders have the information necessary for them to bid with confidence thereby maximising the value achieved from the disposal.

Vendor assistance

Our dedicated transaction services professionals provide an integrated offering utilising the wealth of sell side experience across the firm. Working closely with your team we identify and resolve issues in the divestment process and offer services specifically tailored to the level you need. Our clients contemplating a sale of a business benefit from our team members’ extensive experience from numerous corporate transactions on both buy and sell side including complex business separation processes and preparation of carve-out financial statements.

We help our clients to understand and act on the buyers’ likely and actual requirements and to remain in control of the process as opposed to delivering information solely on the buyers’ requests. Key benefits from our approach are e.g. reduction of process and negotiation risk, higher level of preparedness of the transaction object, increased level of comfort among bidders through consistent financial and other information presented, and in general better negotiation position through identification of potential price-eroding matters at an early stage and a possibility to act on those matters.

Capital markets: Flotations & IPO readiness services

The Financial Supervisory Authority ("FSA") requires that certain  study, as instructed by FSA, is performed before listing a company.   FSA has issued general level instructions on the areas the study is to cover. These include corporate governance, accounting and reporting, budgeting and forecasting, risk management, and human resources. Deloitte's IPO due diligence will focus on the company's processes and resources to ensure compliance with the requirements set to a listed company. Deloitte's extensive experience in listed companies and listings help the target company, if necessary, to develop their existing processes and to ensure compliance with the requirements and the successful start as a listed company.

Sale & purchase agreement advice

We advise our clients on the implications of the transaction contracts they are negotiating. This includes purchase price adjustment mechanisms and the structure of completion accounts principles included in share purchase agreements. Drawing on our substantial experience in corporate transaction processes, and working closely with a client’s other advisers, we can help develop contractual solutions to accounting or commercial issues identified by the core Deloitte team. This service gives our clients a significant advantage in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process - and could alter the fundamental economics of your transaction.

Commercial due diligence

We help our clients to understand and describe market dynamics and value creation potential related to potential M&A targets. Our work is focused on revealing commercial risks and opportunities related to industry and target company. We offer customized service for each situation covering needed analyses and support in strategic planning for the future.

Operational due diligence

We perform following value-adding operational services in connection with acquisition and divestment, financial and vendor due diligence engagements:

· Synergy case development support

· Takeover and integration cost analysis support

·  Separation complexity review (in connection with acquisition due diligence)

· IT and HR due diligence

· Operational and functional reviews (e.g. operational footprint, supply chain, R&D processes)


For more information please contact

Marko Pöllänen

Marko Pöllänen

Partner, Transaction Services Leader

Marko Pöllänen vetää Deloitten Transaction Services -palveluita Suomessa ja hänellä on pitkä kokemus yritysjärjestelyistä ja arvonmäärityksistä. Marko on erikoistunut taloudellisiin due diligence -toi... Lisää

Lars Björknäs

Lars Björknäs

Partner, Transaction Services

Lars Björknäsilla on yli 15 vuoden kokemus neuvonanto- ja tilintarkastuspalveluista. Hän on urallaan ollut mukana useassa merkittävässä yritysjärjestelyprosessissa niin Suomessa, Manner-Euroopassa kui... Lisää