
Dr. Nóra Ordódy-Nagy

Banking, Finance & Capital Markets Deloitte Legal

Attorney, Senior Associate

Dr. Nóra Ordódy-Nagy

Dózsa György út 84/C.




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Nóra Ordódy-Nagy is an attorney-at-law and member of the Law Firm’s Banking, Finance & Capital Markets team. Nóra graduated from Eötvös Loránd University as lawyer in 2018. She is currently studying at Károli Gáspár University and will receive her LLM degree in Energy and Natural Resources Law in 2024.

Prior joining Deloitte she has worked at Dentons Réczicza Law Firm and has nearly 6 years of professional experience.  Nóra is member of the Women in Energy Association. Nóra specializes in banking and finance with a primary focus financing. She had participated in various Hungarian and international project financing and re-financing both on borrower and lender side and also numerous energy projects, including due diligence in course of transactions. She speaks fluent English and German on an intermediate level.