2024  Global Human Capital Trends


2024  Global Human Capital Trends

It’s time to trade in the rules, operating constructs, and proxies of the past. Reimagining boundaryless work amid these disruptions is no longer hypothetical—or optional.

The old proxies previously relied upon to measure performance may no longer apply, and there’s no easy playbook to follow that will enable organizations to thrive in this new environment.

So what’s next for organizations and workers? What steps can we take to create a future full of possibility and hope in the uncertainty of a boundaryless world?

Prioritizing human performance can help organizations make the leap into a boundaryless future. We define human performance as a mutually reinforcing cycle with compounding, shared value for workers, organizations, and society— (Human outcomes) x (Business outcomes) = Human performance.
Our 2024 Global Human Capital Trends research reveals that a focus on the human factor is emerging as the bridge between knowing what shifts are shaping the future of work and doing things to make real progress toward putting them into action to create positive outcomes.

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